Alternaria Blight Disease in Sunflower Crop

Measures to Control Alternaria Blight Disease in Sunflower Crop

Alternaria Blight is a Fungal disease. It is also called Alternaria Leaf Spot disease. As they produce spores that spread easily through air and water and it is called Air-borne disease.

Alternaria Blight Disease in Sunflower Crop
  • Type of Infestation: Disease 
  • Common Name: Alternaria Blight
  • Causal Organism: Alternaria helianthi
  • Affected Parts Of the plant: Leaves, Fruit and Stem
Environmental favorable factors for pests/Diseases:
  • Warm temperatures (25-30°C)
  • Extended periods of leaf wetness (over 12 hours)
  • High humidity
  • Dense planting
Symptoms of Pest/Disease:
  • Dark brown to black, circular to oval spots ranging from 0.2 to 5 cm in diameter on leaves, stems, and even flower parts (especially ray florets).
  • Yellow halo surrounding the spots
  • Concentric rings within the necrotic center of the spots
  • Lesions that may merge and cause blight (widespread death of plant tissue)
  • Defoliation (leaf drop) starting from the lower leaves and progressing upwards
Measures to control Pests/Diseases:
Products Technical Names Dosages
Samartha Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP 300-400 grams per acre
Dr Blight Metalaxyl-M 3.3% + Chlorothalonil 33.1% SC 300-400 ml/acre
BOOST Propiconazole 25 % EC 200- 300 ml per acre
PRODIZOLE Propiconazole 13.9 % + Difenoconazole 13.9 % EC 1 - 1.5 ml per 1 liter of water.
Propi Propineb 70% WP 600 - 800 grams per Acre
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