Alternaria leaf spot disease in Jasmine crop

Measures to Control Alternaria leaf spot disease in Jasmine crop

The complete loss of Alternaria leaf spot disease in a jasmine crop is unlikely and would require specific circumstances. This fungal disease, caused by the Alternaria jasmini and Alternaria alternata pathogens, is quite common among jasmine plants, particularly in areas with warm, humid climates and extended periods of leaf wetness.

Scientific name: Alternaria jasmini
Type: Fungal Disease
Target: Leaf
Damage: Irregular brown spots on the upper surface of the leaves 
Environmental favorable factors for pests/Diseases:

  • Temperature: The ideal temperature range for disease development is between 21°C and 29°C (70°F and 84°F).
  • Humidity: High relative humidity, above 80%, also favors the growth and spread of the fungus.
Symptoms of Pest/Disease:
  • Small, irregular brown spots on the upper surface of the leaves
  • Dark brown to black spots on the lower surface of the leaves
  • Spots that coalesce to form large patches
  • Infected leaves that curl and dry from the margins
  • Young shoots that dry up
  • Reduced flower production
Measures to control Pests/Diseases:
Products Technical Names Dosages
DR BLIGHT Metalaxyl-M 3.3% + Chlorothalonil 33.1% SC 300-400 ml/acre
K ZEB Mancozeb 75% WP 500gm per Acre
Boost Propiconazole 25 % EC 200-300 ml per acre
KTM Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP 250-600 grams per acre
Hexa 5 Plus Hexaconazole 5 % SC 200-250 ml per acre
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