Thrips pest in Groundnut Crop

Measures to Control Thrips pest in Groundnut Crop

Thrips are tiny, slender insects with fringe-winged wings that can cause significant damage to a variety of crops. They feed by piercing plant tissue and sucking out the sap, which can cause a number of problems for the plant. 

Thrips pest in Groundnut Crop

  • Thrips scientific name : Scirtothrips dorsalis
  • Type: Sucking Pest
  • Target: Leaves, Fruits
  • Damage: White spots and streaks
  • Identification Of Groundnut Thrips 

    • Body: Thrips have an elongated, slender body with a narrow head and a wider abdomen.
    • Wings: Most adult thrips have two pairs of narrow wings with long fringes on the margins. However, some species are wingless.
    • Mouthparts: Thrips have rasping mouthparts that they use to pierce plant cells and suck out the contents.
    • Legs: Thrips have six slender legs.
    • Color: Thrips can be a variety of colors, including yellow, brown, black, red, orange, and green.

    Environmental favorable factors for pests/Diseases:

    • Temperature:
      • Favorable: 25-35°C (77-95°F)
      • Less favorable: Below 20°C (68°F) or above 40°C (104°F)
    • Humidity:
      • Favorable: Low humidity (around 50% or below)
      • Less favorable: High humidity (above 70%) 

    Symptoms of Groundnut Pest/Disease:

    • Yellowish-green patches on the upper surface of leaves
    • Brown necrotic areas on the lower surface of leaves
    • Silvery sheen on the lower surface of leaves
    • White spots or streaks on older leaves
    • Distorted, unfolded leaves
    • Stunted plant growth

     Measures to control Pests/Diseases:

    Products Technical Names Dosages
    Fantasy Fipronil 5 % SC 400-500 ml per Acre
    SPINO45 Spinosad 45 % sc 60-90 ml per Acre
    IMD-70 Imidacloprid 70 % WG 2-3gms per 15 ltr water.
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