Methods to control Aphids and Jassids in Cumin Plant

Methods to control Aphids and Jassids in Cumin Plant

Aphids and jassids are common pests that can affect cumin plants. Both of these insects feed on plant sap by piercing the plant tissues with their mouthparts, which can lead to stunted growth, yellowing of leaves, and even the transmission of plant diseases.

Aphids and Jassids in Cumin Plant

  • Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that are usually green, yellow, or black in color. They have long legs and antennae, and they are often found clustered on the undersides of leaves or on stems.Aphids feed on the sap of plants, which can stunt growth, yellow leaves, and cause wilting. They can also transmit viral diseases to plants.
  • Jassids are also small, but they are more active and jumpy than aphids. They are typically green or yellow in color, and they have long, pointed wings.Jassids feed on the leaves and stems of plants, which can cause them to curl and become distorted. They can also cause stunted growth and reduced yields.

Detail about the pest:

  • Type: Pest
  • Major affect states: Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
  • Affects on
  • Leaves - Aphids and jassids are both attracted to the soft tissue of leaves, where they can easily insert their mouthparts to feed.
  • Flowers - Jassids are particularly fond of flowers, as they are a good source of food for these pests.
  • Fruits - Aphids can damage fruits by piercing them and sucking out their juices.
  • Stems - Both aphids and jassids can feed on stems, which can cause them to become stunted or broken.

Damage-Causing Stages:


  • Nymph stage: Even immature aphids can cause harm. They aggregate on tender plant parts like young leaves and shoots, sucking sap and hindering growth. Their sticky honeydew secretions attract ants and promote sooty mold growth, further impacting photosynthesis.
  • Adult stage: Mature aphids continue feeding heavily, causing stunting, leaf yellowing and curling, and wilting.


  • Nymph stage: Similar to aphids, jassid nymphs feed on sap from leaves and stems, leading to yellowing, stippling, and distortion. Their feeding can also cause leaf edges to brown and dry out.
  • Adult stage: Adult jassids are more mobile and jumpy, readily spreading within the crop. Their feeding can cause severe leaf distortion, curling, and even bronzing. Heavy infestations can lead to stunted growth, flower and bud drop, and ultimately, reduced seed yield.

Favorable conditions for pest development:

  • Warm and dry weather: Aphids and jassids favours in warm and dry conditions, with temperatures between 20-30°C being ideal for their reproduction and activity. Hot and dry spells during the vegetative and flowering stages of cumin can lead to rapid pest population growth.
  • Low humidity: Low humidity further enhances the suitability of the environment for these pests. Dry air reduces moisture loss from their bodies, allowing them to conserve energy and focus on reproduction.

Symptoms of aphid infestation on cumin plants:

  • Stunted growth: Aphids feeding on the plant's sap can stunt its growth, resulting in smaller leaves, stems, and flowers.
  • Curled leaves: Aphids inject saliva into the leaves as they feed, which can cause them to curl or distort.
  • Yellowing or wilting leaves: Aphids can cause the leaves to lose their chlorophyll, making them turn yellow or wilt.
  • Honeydew: Aphids excrete a sticky substance called honeydew, which can attract ants and other pests and promote the growth of sooty mold.

Symptoms of jassid infestation on cumin plants:

  • Stippling: Jassids suck sap from the leaves, leaving behind small, pale spots called stipples.
  • Leaf bronzing: As the damage progresses, the leaves may turn bronze or brown.
  • Distorted leaves: Jassid feeding can cause the leaves to curl or become distorted.
  • Reduced yield: Severe jassid infestations can reduce the yield of cumin seeds.

Control measures for Aphids and Jassids in Cumin Plant:


Technical Name



Thiamethoxam 25 % wg

100 gm/Acre


Fipronil 4% + Thiomethoxam 4% SC

300 ml/Acre


Thiamethoxam 12.6 % lambda cyhalothrin 9.5 % zc

100 ml/Acre


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