Watermelon Farming: Easy Tips for Achieving 20 Tons Yield Per Acre

Watermelon Farming: Easy Tips for Achieving 20 Tons Yield Per Acre

Watermelon farming is a profitable venture for Indian farmers. With timely sowing, choosing the right varieties, and using scientific techniques, farmers can achieve high yields of up to 20 tons per acre. This blog provides a detailed guide on all aspects of watermelon cultivation, including soil preparation, fertilizer management, and harvesting.

Types of Watermelon Crops

Watermelon crops can be classified into three main types:

Jubilee Oval:

  • Green watermelons with dark green stripes.
  • Weight: 8-10 kg per fruit.

Sugar Baby:

  • Round-shaped watermelons, resembling a football.
  • Weight: 3-5 kg per fruit.

Ice Box:

  • Dark black-colored watermelons with high sugar content.
  • TSS (Total Soluble Solids): 12-14%.

    Suitable Soil and Climate for Watermelon Farming

    Soil Requirements:

    • Sandy loam soil is ideal for watermelon farming.
    • Soil pH should range between 6.0 and 7.5.

    Climate Requirements:

    • Watermelon thrives in hot and dry climates.
    • Adequate sunlight during the day and mild coolness at night are beneficial for the crop.

    Land Preparation and Sowing Time

    Land Preparation:

    • Perform deep plowing of the field.
    • Use a cultivator twice and a rotavator once to loosen the soil.

    Bed Dimensions:

    • Width: 3 feet.
    • Distance between beds: 5-6 feet.
    • Height: Raise beds to 1 foot above ground level.

      Sowing Time:

      • The best time to sow watermelon is between December and January.

      Seed Rate and Treatment

      Seed Rate:

      • Use 800-1000 grams of seeds per acre.

      Seed Treatment:

      • Treat seeds with a fungicide to prevent root rot and other diseases.

      Fertilizer Management and Benefits of Mulching

      Basal Dose per Acre:

      • DAP: 50 kg.
      • SSP: 100 kg.
      • MOP: 20 kg.
      • Chelated Mix Micronutrients: 100 grams.
      • Neem Cake or Mustard Cake.

      Advantages of Mulching:

      • Controls weeds.
      • Saves water and nutrients.
      • Maintains soil moisture.

      Cost of Mulching:

      • The cost of mulching for one acre is approximately ₹15,000-₹20,000.

      Fertigation and Drenching Schedule for Watermelon

      First Drenching (Immediately After Transplanting):

      Second Drenching (15-20 Days Later):

      Third Drenching (30-35 Days Later):

      Fourth Drenching (45-50 Days Later):

      Fifth Drenching (60-70 Days Later):

        Harvesting and Yield

        • Harvesting Time: Harvest watermelon between March and April.
        • Yield Per Acre: An acre of land can produce approximately 18-20 tons of watermelon.


        Watermelon farming, when done with the right techniques and advanced methods, can be highly profitable. Farmers should focus on proper soil management, climate suitability, fertilizers, and irrigation. For any further queries related to watermelon farming, feel free to ask in the comments section.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        Q. How long does it take to grow a watermelon crop?

        A. Watermelon crops take about 90 days to mature.

        Q. Is watermelon farming profitable?

        A. Yes, with proper techniques and timely sowing, watermelon farming is highly profitable.

        Q. How much watermelon can be grown in 1 acre?

        A. Approximately 18-20 tons of watermelon can be grown in 1 acre.

        Q. When is the best time for watermelon harvesting?

        A. Watermelon is harvested between March and April.

        Q. Why are watermelon seeds so expensive?

        A. Watermelon seeds are expensive due to their high quality and disease resistance.

        Q. What sprays should be used on watermelon crops?

        A. For pest and disease control, use the fungicides and fertilizers recommended above.


        For more information on pests and diseases, read our other blogs.

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