Herbicide for Paddy Narrow leaves weed

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    Katyayani Paddy Guard | Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 6.9% EC | Chemical Herbicides

    Katyayani Paddy Guard | Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 6.9% EC | Chemical Herbicides

    250ML ( 250ml x 1 )
    Rs750.00 Rs. 1,200.00

    500ML ( 250ml x 2 )
    Rs1,480.00 Rs. 1,500.00

    750ML ( 250ml x 3 )
    Rs2,180.00 Rs. 2,250.00

    1 Litre ( 250ml x 4 )
    Rs2,860.00 Rs. 3,000.00

    1.75 Litre ( 250ml x 7 )
    Rs4,935.00 Rs. 5,250.00

    3 Litre ( 250ml x 12 )
    Rs8,376.00 Rs. 9,000.00

    5 Litre ( 250ml x 20 )
    Rs13,600.00 Rs. 15,000.00

    10 Litre ( 250ml x 40 )
    Rs26,200.00 Rs. 30,000.00

Collection: Herbicide for Paddy Narrow leaves weed


  • Weeds compete with the crop plant for light, nutrients, water, space and other growth requirements and reduce the crop yield.
  • Increase the cost of production by increasing the cost of labour.
  • Reduce the quality of crop products

Control Measures

  • Mix in 200 liter water and spray herbicide on weed at 2 - 3 leaf stage or 20 to 25 days after sowing or transplanting.