Anthracnose Disease in Grape Crop

Measures to Control Anthracnose Disease in Grape Crop

Anthracnose is a common name for a group of fungal diseases that infect a wide variety of plants, including trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, and flowers. It is caused by several different fungi, most commonly in the genus Colletotrichum.

Anthracnose Disease in Grape Crop

  • Type of Infestation: Fungal Disease
  • Common Name: Anthracnose
  • Causal Organism: Gloeosporium ampelophagum
  • Affected Parts Of the plant: Leaves, Shoot, Flowers and Berries

Environmental favorable factors for pests/Diseases:

  • Temperature:  The optimal temperature range for anthracnose development in grapes typically falls between 20-30°C (68-86°F). Within this range, 25-28°C (77-82°F) is often considered the most conducive for rapid disease progression.
  • Humidity: High humidity is crucial: Anthracnose requires extended periods of leaf wetness for infection to occur. This means that high relative humidity (above 90%) or frequent rainfall events are important factors for disease development.

Symptoms of Pest/Disease:

  • Dark, sunken spots or lesions on leaves, fruits, stems, or flowers
  • Wilting, browning, and death of infected tissue
  • Premature leaf drop
  • Cankers on twigs and branches

Measures to control Pests/Diseases:

Products Technical Names Dosages
DR BLIGHT Metalaxyl-M 3.3% + Chlorothalonil 33.1% SC 300-400 ml/acre
Propi Propineb 70% WP 600 - 800 grams per Acre
AZOXY Azoxystrobin 23 % sc 200 ml/acre
COC50 Copper oxychloride 50 % wp 2gm/ltr
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