White Fly Pest in Sunflower Crop

Measures to Control White Fly Pest in Sunflower Crop

They are Tiny, Sap Sucking insects that are related to aphids and Mealybugs. Whiteflies preferred to feed on the underside of the leaves. While whiteflies themselves may not directly cause significant damage to sunflower plants, their presence can still negatively impact the crop in several ways.

White Fly Pest in Sunflower Crop

  • Type of Infestation: Pest
  • Common Name: Whitefly
  • Causal Organism: Bemisia tabaci
  • Affected Parts Of the plant: Leaves
Adults: Tiny, moth-like insects with yellowish bodies and wings coated with a white, waxy powder. They are only about 1-2 millimeters long.
Nymphs: Oval-shaped, scale-like, and translucent with yellow or green bodies. They are immobile and remain attached to the underside of leaves.
Life cycle: Whiteflies have a complex life cycle with four distinct stages: egg, four nymphal instars, and adult. The entire life cycle can take about 2-4 weeks, depending on temperature and other environmental factors.
Environmental favorable factors for pests/Diseases:
  • Temperature: Whiteflies thrive in warm weather, with optimal temperatures ranging from 75°F to 85°F (24°C to 29°C). At these temperatures, their development is accelerated, and their reproductive rate increases. 
  • Humidity: Whiteflies prefer moderate to high humidity levels (around 50-80%), which helps them stay hydrated and reduces water loss through their bodies.
Symptoms of Pest/Disease:
  • Sucking the sap from the leaves: This can weaken the plant and reduce its yield.
  • Excreting honeydew: This sticky substance attracts sooty mold, which can further reduce the plant's ability to photosynthesize.
  • Spreading viruses: Whiteflies are known vectors of several viruses that can infect sunflowers, such as sunflower yellows and sunflower chlorotic mottle virus.
  • Yellowing or stippling of the leaves: This is caused by the whiteflies sucking the sap from the leaves.
  • Presence of whiteflies themselves: Adult whiteflies are tiny, white, moth-like insects that are often seen flying around infested plants.
  • Honeydew on the leaves: This is a sticky, sugary substance that is excreted by whiteflies.
  • Sooty mold on the leaves: This is a black fungus that grows on honeydew.
  • Stunted plant growth: This can be caused by the whiteflies weakening the plant.
  • Curling or distorted leaves: This can be a sign of a viral infection that is being spread by whiteflies.
Measures to control Pests/Diseases:
Products Technical Names Dosages
Ozil Spiromesifen 22.9% SC 200-250 ml/acre
IMD-178 Imidacloprid 17.8 % SL 100 -150 ml per acre
MAL-50 Malathion 50 % EC 250-300 ml per Acre
K- Acepro Acetamiprid 20 % SP 60 to 80 grams per acre
Ashwamedh Diafenthiuron 50 % WP 250 g / acre
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