Alterneria leaf blight  in Cotton

Control Measures to Manage Alterneria leaf blight in Cotton

Alternaria leaf blight, caused by the fungus Alternaria macrospora, is a foliar disease that can affect cotton plants. It is one of the several diseases that can impact cotton crops, potentially leading to yield losses if not managed effectively. 

            Alterneria leaf blight  in Cotton

    • Type of Infestation: Disease
    • Common Name: Alterneria leaf blight 
    • Scientific Name: Alternaria macrospora 
    • Category of Plant Disease: Fungal Disease
    • Mode of spread: Wind, Rain
    • Affected parts of plant: Leaves, Stem, Fruit

Favorable factors for disease/Pest Development:

  • Warm temperatures: The fungus thrives in temperatures between 20-30°C (68-86°F). High temperatures during summer months accelerate fungal growth and spore germination.
  • High humidity: Humid conditions above 70% relative humidity provide a moist environment for spore survival and facilitate their dispersal through wind and splashing water.

Initial Symptoms:

  • Pinpoint Spots: The first whispers of the disease appear as tiny, pinhead-sized, circular to oval spots scattered on leaves.
  • Brown Lesions: These initial spots gradually expand, forming brown lesions with well-defined margins, often exhibiting concentric rings, resembling a target.
  • Early Defoliation: In some cases, particularly under favorable conditions for the fungus, premature leaf drop can occur at this stage, starting with older, lower leaves.                

Severe Symptoms:

  • Extensive Blighting: The initially scattered lesions coalesce, covering significant portions of the leaf surface, leading to extensive browning and blighting.
  • Leaf Distortion: Infected leaves become distorted, curling upwards or cupping inwards, hindering efficient light capture and photosynthesis.
  • Stunted Growth: The combined effects of defoliation and reduced photosynthesis lead to stunted plant growth, significantly impacting yield potential.

Control measures for Alterneria leaf blight  in Cotton:


Technical Name



Copper oxychloride 50 % wp



Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP

Use 300-400 grams per acre


Metalaxyl 8 % + Mancozeb 64 % wp

1.5 to 2 kg per ha


Mix 1 L bordeaux mixture with 200 L water and use for spray


Azoxystrobin 18.2 % + difenoconazole 11.4 % SC

150-200 ml per Acre

For more detailed insights on pest management and best practices for cotton crops, check out our other blogs:

1. Fruit Borer in Cotton
2. Controlling of Thrips in Cotton plant
3. Controlling of Aphids in Cotton Plants
4. Controlling of Leaf Hopper in Cotton plant
5. Cotton: Planting And Package Of Practices
6. Management of Fusarium wilt Disease in Cotton Crop

FAQs Related to Alternaria Blight of Cotton  

Q. What is Alternaria blight of cotton?

A .Alternaria blight disease caused by Alternaria spp., leading to leaf spots, defoliation, and reduced yield.

Q. Symptoms of Alternaria leaf blight in cotton?

A. Dark brown spots with concentric rings on leaves, premature leaf drop, and reduced plant vigor.

Q. What causes leaf blight of cotton?

A. Warm, humid conditions, poor field sanitation, and infected crop residues.

Q. How to control Alternaria blight in cotton?

A. Use resistant cotton varieties, remove crop debris, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides like Katyayani Copper Oxychloride 50% WP or Katyayani Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP.

Q. What is the Best fungicide for Alternaria blight in cotton?

A. Katyayani COC 50 Copper Oxychloride 50% WP and Katyayani Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP are highly effective for Alternaria blight management.

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