Katyayani Antivirus is a Broad Spectrum Viricide which protects the plant from various viruses and also improves resistance against them. It is extracted from the various Herbs which stops viruses immediately and gives fresh growth and better yield in plants.This organic viricide works by penetrating plant tissues, blocking viral replication, and restoring plant vitality. Safe for all crops, Katyayani Antivirus enhances plant resistance, boosts yield, and ensures long-lasting protection without harming the environment. Ideal for sustainable farming, it provides a powerful, eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides.
Target viral diseases of Antivirus
The target viral diseases includes Chili Mosaic Virus (CMV), Chili Leaf Curl Virus (CLCV), Chili Yellow Mosaic Virus (CYMV), Chili Chlorotic Spot Virus (CCSV), Upward Leaf Curl Virus, Downward Leaf Curl Virus, Geminivirus,Tomato Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV), Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV), Tomato New Delhi Virus (ToNDV),Papaya Mosaic Virus (PapMV), Papaya RingSpot Virus (PRSV), Brinjal Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYMV), Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV),Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV), Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV), Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV), Cowpea Mosaic Virus (CPMV), Mango Malformation Virus (MMV), Cotton Leaf Curl Virus, yellow vein mosaic Virus.
Target crops of Antivirus
Katyayani Antivirus is suitable for use on a wide variety of crops, including Chili Peppers, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Squash, Papaya, Okra, Zucchini, Watermelon, Peanuts, Cotton, Cabbage, Pepper, Lettuce, Beans, Alfalfa, Carrots, Grapes, Rice, Citrus, Raspberries, Spinach, Apples, Mangoes, Bananas, Sweet Potatoes, and many other vegetable, fruit, and leguminous crops.
Chili Mosaic Virus (CMV), Chili Leaf Curl Virus (CLCV), Chili Yellow Mosaic Virus (CYMV), Chili Chlorotic Spot Virus (CCSV), Upward Leaf Curl Virus, Downward Leaf Curl Virus, Geminivirus
Tomato Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV), Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV), Tomato New Delhi Virus (ToNDV),Upward Leaf Curl Virus, Downward Leaf Curl Virus, Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV), Geminivirus
Papaya Mosaic Virus (PapMV), Papaya RingSpot Virus (PRSV)
Brinjal Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYMV), Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV), Geminivirus
Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV)
Mosaic Virus (CMV)
Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV), Cowpea Mosaic Virus (CPMV)
Cotton Leaf Curl Virus
yellow vein mosaic Virus
Mode of action of Antivirus
The mode of action of Antivirus which stops virus immediately and gives fresh growth and better yield in plants. This enters the plant through the stomatal opening and is translocated into the plant system through the vascular bundles. AntiVirus on entering the affected plant cell encapsulates the virion particles. AntiVirus opens up the conductive tissues blocked by the virus particles and the plant cells start to recover & the new leaves emerge virus free.
Dosage of Antivirus
Agriculture use: 500 ml/ Acre (Foliar Spray).
Key benefits of Antivirus for Plants
- Broad-spectrum viral protection: Safeguards plants from a wide array of viral diseases like Chilli Mosaic, Tomato Leaf Curl, and Cucumber Mosaic, Geminivirus,Upward Leaf Curl Virus, Downward Leaf Curl Virus ensuring healthier crops.
- It is effective up to 15 days after application.
- Plant-based antivirals may have a lower risk of resistance development, as viruses may take longer to adapt to natural compounds.
- Promoting plant growth and improving yields.
- Promotes faster recovery from viral infections, ensuring plants stay strong and resilient.
- A safer alternative to chemical treatments, ensuring it's gentle on the environment, soil, and beneficial organisms while being tough on viruses.
FAQs Related to Antivirus
Q. What is the best viricide used against the Chilli Mosaic virus?
A. Katyayani Antivirus is the recommended product that is used against the Chilli Mosaic Virus.
Q. Does Antivirus is used against all types of viral diseases in plants?
A. Anti virus is the recommended product that is used against all types of viral diseases in plants.
Q. How to control Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) in Banana plants?
A. To control Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) in Banana plants, apply Katyayani Antivirus as a foliar spray every 10-15 days. The organic viricide works by neutralizing viral particles within the plant, preventing further spread of the virus, and encouraging healthy leaf and fruit development.
Q. What are the other benefits of using Antivirus in plants?
A. Antivirus is used to block the viral disease to translocate from one part of the plant to other and also it helps in fresh growth and better yield in plants.
Q. What is the dose to use Antivirus in crop?
A. The minimal dosage of Antivirus is about 3 - 5 ml/ litre of water.
Q. How does Katyayani Antivirus protect Brinjal crops?
A. Brinjal plants are susceptible to Brinjal Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYMV). Katyayani Antivirus effectively controls the virus, ensuring healthier growth and better yields.
Q. How to control Papaya Mosaic Virus (PapMV) and Papaya RingSpot Virus (PRSV) in Papaya crops?
A. Papaya Mosaic Virus (PapMV) causes mosaic patterns on leaves, stunted growth, and poor fruit quality and in the same way Papaya RingSpot Virus (PRSV) leads to rings on leaves and fruit, reducing plant vitality To control these viral diseases, use Katyayani Antivirus as a foliar spray.
Q. How to control Upward Leaf Curl Virus and Downward Leaf Curl Virus in Chilli plants?
A. To prevent Upward Leaf Curl Virus and Downward Leaf Curl Virus (DLCV) in Chilli plants, use Katyayani Antivirus as a foliar spray. Apply it every 10-15 days to neutralize the virus and protect the plant from further infection.
Q. How to control yellow vein mosaic Virus in Okra plants?
A. To control yellow vein mosaic Virus in Okra plants, apply Katyayani Antivirus as a foliar spray.
Q. What is the best viricide used against the Bitter gourd Mosaic virus?
A. Katyayani Antivirus is the recommended product that is used against the Bitter gourd Mosaic virus.
Q1. What is the price of Katyayani Antivirus Viricide?
A: The price of 1 liter of Katyayani Antivirus Viricide is ₹1,000.
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