Dahlias in India: Best Season, Sowing Time, and Flowering Guide

Dahlias in India: Best Season, Sowing Time, and Flowering Guide

Dahlias are vibrant, colorful flowers admired for their beauty and variety. Originating from Central America. They are popular in gardens and as cut flowers, and their cultivation is easy with proper care. ensuring a thriving and colorful yield.

How to Grow Dahlias Flower from Seeds : A Complete Guide

Dahlia Flower Classification 

  • Dahlia scientific name: Dahlia spp.
  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Type: Perennial (often grown as annual in colder climates)

Dahlias Flower Seed Rate-

Direct Sowing Method: Seed Rate: 600-800 grams per acre

Nursery: 150-200 grams per acre

Transplanting Time: 4-6 weeks.

Dahlia Flower Sowing Time

  • Sowing Time - Late spring (March-April) when the risk of frost has passed.
  • Soil temperature is above 15°C (proper germination).

Dahlia Space Maintenance

  • Spacing: Row-to-row spacing: 30-40 cm
  • Plant-to-plant spacing: 30-45 cm
  • Depth: Seeds Sowing 0.5-1 cm deep in well-drained soil.

Dahlia Crop Management

  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Avoid overhead irrigation to prevent fungal infections.
  • Weeding: Regularly remove weeds to reduce competition for nutrients and water or Mulching to retain soil moisture.
  • Staking: For tall dahlia varieties, use stakes to support the stems and prevent lodging.

Pest and Disease of Dahlia Flowers

Past - Major Pests of the dahlia flower and their control.
    Disease - Major Diseases of the dahlia flower and their control.


      • Thrive in warm climates with temperatures between 15-30°C.
      • Ensure they receive full sunlight for 6-8 hours daily.

      Best Fertilizer / Nutrition For Dahlias Flower Crop

      • Soil Preparation: Compost or organic manure (Katyayani Bhumiraja - Dose: 4-8 Kg / Acre)
      • Nutrient Application:
        • Vegetative growth- (NPK 19:19:19 - 5 gm / liter water - Spray & Soil application - 1 kg / acre)
        • flowering phase to promote blooms- Phosphorus-rich fertilizer (NPK 12:61:00 / 00:52:34 - 5 gm / liter water - Spray & Soil application - 1 kg / acre)
        • Micronutrient management for vibrant blooms.

      Irrigation Management of Dahlias Flower Crop -

      • Germination Stage (Seedling Growth)
      • Vegetative Stage
      • Flowering
      • Post Blooming / Dormancy

      Dahlia Flowering Season in India

      • After sowing starts flowering- 8-10 weeks.
      • Lasts the flowering - late autumn (October-November) or the first frost.

      Harvesting Time of Dahlias Flowers

      • Harvest dahlias early in the morning or late evening.
      • After planting the first flowers can be harvested - 60-75 days.


      Dahlias are a rewarding flower to grow, offering stunning blooms with proper care and management. By following the outlined steps from sowing to harvesting-you can enjoy a vibrant display of dahlias in your garden or farm.


      Q. What is the dahlia sowing time in india?

      A. Late spring (March-April), when frost risk is low, and soil temperature is above 15°C.

      Q. What is the ideal spacing for Dahlia plants?

      A. Row-to-row spacing: 30-40 cm; plant-to-plant spacing: 30-45 cm.

      Q. Which pests affect Dahlias, and how can they be controlled?

      A. Aphids, thrips, spider mites, and caterpillars. Control with chemicals like Thiamethoxam, Abamectin, Emamectin Benzoate.

      Q. What is the best climate for growing Dahlias?

      A. Warm climates with temperatures between 15-30°C and full sunlight for 6-8 hours daily.

      Q. When is the harvesting time for Dahlias?

      A. Dahlias can be harvested 60-75 days after planting, ideally early morning or late evening.

      Q. What is the scientific name of Dahlia?

      A. The scientific name of Dahlia is Dahlia spp.
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