Cercospora leaf Blight in soybean crop

Measures to control Cercospora leaf Blight in Soybean Crop

Cercospora leaf blight is a fungal disease that can infect a wide variety of plants, including soybean nutrition, carrots, beets, celery, peanuts, and chili peppers. It is caused by several different species of fungi in the genus Cercospora. Cercospora leaf blight can reduce crop yields by reducing the amount of leaf surface area available for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy, and so a reduction in leaf surface area can lead to a reduction in the amount of energy that a plant can produce.

Cercospora leaf Blight in soybean crop

  • Scientific name: Cercospora kikuchii

  • Type: Fungal Disease
  • Target: Leaves
  • Damage: Develop spots, lesions, and blight

    Environmental favorable factors for pests/Diseases: 

  • Temperature: The ideal temperature range for its development is between 25°C to 35°C with night temperatures above 16°C.
  • Humidity: High relative humidity of 90 to 95% is most favorable for the fungus to sporulate and spread.

    Symptoms of Pest/Disease: 

    • Reddish-purple to bronze discoloration on the upper leaves of the soybean plant.
    • Lesions that start small and grow larger, eventually merging together
    • Leaves that become leathery and brittle
    • Defoliation, or the dropping of leaves
    Measures to control Pests/Diseases: 
    Products Technical Name Dosage
    Samartha Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP 300-400 grams per acre
    COC50 Copper oxychloride 50 % wp 2gm/ltr
    KTM Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP 250-600 grams per acre
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