Soil Health Card

Soil Health Card

What is soil health card

          A soil health card is a report issued by the government of India to farmers that provides information on the nutrient status of their soil. This information is crucial for farmers to make informed decisions about fertilizer use and other land management practices. 

How to avail by Farmers:

There are two main ways farmers in India can avail a soil health card:

Through Government Department Representatives:

  • Farmers can visit their local Department of Agriculture office or a designated camp organized for soil sample collection.
  • They collect soil samples from the farmer's field.
  • The samples are then sent to a soil testing laboratory for analysis.

Online Application (if available in your state):

  • Some states in India allow online applications for soil health cards. You can check the official website of the Soil Health Card Scheme ( for details on whether your state offers this option.
  • If available, the website will have a registration process where farmers can create an account and apply for a soil health card.

Use of Soil Health Card: 

  • A soil health card is a report that provides information on the health of a farmer's soil
  • It is issued by the government of India under the Soil Health Card Scheme, which was launched in 2015. 
  • The card contains information on the levels of macro-nutrients (N, P, K), secondary nutrients (S), micro-nutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Bo), and physical parameters (pH, EC, OC) in the soil. 
  • It also includes fertilizer recommendations based on the specific needs of the soil.

Soil health cards are beneficial for farmers in a number of ways. They help farmers to:

Informed fertilizer use: The card provides a detailed breakdown of the soil's nutrients, highlighting deficiencies. This allows farmers to target fertilizer application, using only what's missing and in the right quantities. This saves money and reduces environmental impact from excess fertilizer runoff.

Improved crop selection: By understanding the soil composition, farmers can choose crops that are best suited to their land. This can lead to higher yields and better use of resources.

Enhanced soil health: The recommendations on the card can help farmers improve the long-term health of their soil through practices like cover cropping or compost application. This leads to sustained productivity over time.

Increased profitability: With better yields, targeted fertilizer use, and improved soil health, farmers can expect to see a boost in their overall profitability.

Government support: In some regions, soil health cards may be linked to government programs that offer subsidies or other benefits to farmers who are taking steps to improve their soil health.

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