Measures to Control Wilt disease in Sugarcane Crop

Measures to Control Wilt disease in Sugarcane Crop

Sugarcane, one of the most important crops, globally faces threats from the Pests and Diseases. The pests and diseases cause significant yield losses if left unchecked. In this article, we'll explore effective measures to control and manage Pests and Diseases.

What is Wilt Disease?

A wilt disease that affects the vascular system of plants, disrupting the flow of water and causing wilting, which is the loss of turgidity in plant tissues. This can be caused by a variety of pathogens, including fungi, bacteria, and nematodes.

Measures to Control Wilt disease in Sugarcane Crop

Short Description of Wilt Disease

Here is the detail information related to the Wilt disease:

Type of Infestation

Fungal Disease

Common Name


Scientific Name

Fusarium sacchari

Affected Parts Of the plant

Root, Stem and leaves


Favourable factors of Wilt disease

Thrives in warm soil temperatures, typically between 25-30°C (77-86°F). And can survive in dry conditions, excessively wet soil conditions can favor the spread of the fungus through water movement and root-to-root contact.

Symptoms of  Wilt disease in Sugarcane crop

Main symptoms of plant affected by Wilt Disease in Sugarcane crop:

  • Affected plants are shorter and less vigorous than healthy ones.
  • The leaves, particularly the upper leaves, turn yellow and dry up from the tips downwards.
  • When the stem is cut open, the inner pith shows a reddish-brown discoloration, often with streaks running along the length of the stalk.
  • In severe cases, the center of the stem may become hollow.

Bio and Organic products for control of Wilt Disease in sugarcane crop 

Here are the best recommendations of bio and organic products.






1.5 - 2 grams/lit



100 grams/ 10 litres of water

Chemical control methods for Wilt Disease in sugarcane crop

Here are the best recommendations of Chemical control measures.


Technical Names



Metalaxyl 8 % + Mancozeb 64 % wp

1.5 to 2 kg per ha


Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP

300-400 grams per acre


Azoxystrobin 23 % sc

200 ml/acre


FAQs : Wilt disease in Sugarcane

Q. What are the symptoms of wilt disease in sugarcane crops?

A. Turn yellow and dry up from the tips downwards.

Q. What is the method of application method?

A. Majority of the products can be applied through Foliar spray.

Q. Price of Meta-Manco product?

A. The 400 grams of product cost around 489 rupees.


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