Best Fertilizer: PROM vs DAP - What's Right for Your Soil

Best Fertilizer - PROM vs DAP What's Right for Your Soil?

PROM - Phosphate Rich Organic Manure

DAP - Di Ammonium Phosphate

The initial work of PROM and DAP fertilizers is to provide essential nutrients for plant growth, but they different in their composition and how they supply those nutrients. This is the blog which gives a detailed explanation of the benefits and total description of the fertilizers of PROM and DAP and the difference between them.

PROM (Phosphate Rich Organic Manure)

It is a Phosphate rich organic manure, made from rock phosphate and organic matter like composted manure. It releases nutrients slowly over time.


The composition of PROM consists of Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Organic carbon in the ratio of:


8% - 10%


0.4% - 2.5%

Organic Carbon

7.9% - 28%

In addition to phosphorus, PROM also contains organic matter, which can help to improve soil health by:

  • Increasing water retention
  • Improving drainage
  • Promoting beneficial microbial activity
  • Improves soil health by increasing organic matter and microbial activity.

DAP (Diammonium phosphate)

It is a synthetic fertilizer that is high in two key plant nutrients such as phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N), essential nutrients for plant growth.


The composition of DAP consists of Phosphorus, Nitrogen in the ratio of:





  • Phosphorus is essential for root development, seed formation, and flower and fruit production.
  • Nitrogen is important for overall plant growth, promoting strong stems and leaves.

DAP is a water-soluble fertilizer, which means the nutrients are readily available for plants to absorb. This makes it a good choice for crops that need a quick boost of nutrients, such as seedlings or fast-growing vegetables.

Advantages and disadvantages of using PROM

  • Organic: Improves soil health in the long term by promoting beneficial microbes and increasing organic matter.
  • Effective in various soil conditions: Works well in both acidic and alkaline soils, and even saline soils where DAP might fail.
  • Slower release of nutrients: Plants might not see the benefits as quickly as with DAP.

Advantages and disadvantages of using DAP

  • Synthetic: Provides readily available phosphorus for quick plant growth.
  • May not improve soil quality in the long term.
  • Less effective in certain soils: Not working well in saline or highly alkaline/acidic soils.

Best recommendation

Choose PROM if :

  • You prioritize long-term soil health and organic farming methods.
  • Your soil has drainage issues or high salinity.

Choose DAP if :

  • You need a quick boost of phosphorus for plant growth.
  • You need a readily available and affordable fertilizer option.
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