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Krishi Seva Kendra

MANGO FRUIT SIZE ENHANCER COMBO (Kmycin 30gm + Nutritious 1 lit + NPK 00 00 50 2kg)

MANGO FRUIT SIZE ENHANCER COMBO (Kmycin 30gm + Nutritious 1 lit + NPK 00 00 50 2kg)

नियमित रूप से मूल्य Rs. 1,099
नियमित रूप से मूल्य Rs. 1,099 Rs. 1,428 विक्रय कीमत
23% OFF बिक गया

Introducing the Mango Fruit Size Enhancer Combo, a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize the cultivation of mangoes and elevate their quality, size, color, and market value. This innovative combination consists of three key components, each meticulously selected to address specific aspects of mango production and enhancement:

1. Triacontanol 0.1% EW (Emulsifiable Concentrate): This potent formulation is a game-changer when it comes to enhancing fruit size in mango trees. Triacontanol, a natural fatty alcohol derived from plant waxes, acts as a growth stimulant, promoting cell division and elongation. By applying Triacontanol, farmers can expect significant improvements in mango fruit size, leading to higher yields and increased market competitiveness.

2. NPK 00-00-50 : A specialized blend of essential nutrients, this high-potassium fertilizer is specifically tailored to enhance the color and shine of mango fruits. Potassium (K) plays a crucial role in fruit development and ripening, contributing to the accumulation of sugars and pigments responsible for vibrant coloration. By supplying mango trees with the perfect balance of potassium, this formulation ensures the production of visually appealing fruits with enhanced market appeal.

3. Kmycin (Streptomycin Sulphate 90% + Tetracycline Hydrochloride 10%) : Ensuring the cleanliness and quality of mango fruits is paramount for both growers and consumers. Kmycin offers a powerful solution by effectively combating bacterial diseases that can compromise fruit quality and market value. By containing a potent combination of Streptomycin Sulphate and Tetracycline Hydrochloride, this product helps control harmful pathogens, minimizing the risk of infections and ensuring healthier, blemish-free mangoes. As a result, growers can command premium prices in the market, reflecting the superior quality and purity of their produce.

The Mango Fruit Size Enhancer Combo represents a holistic approach to mango cultivation, addressing not only the physical attributes of the fruits but also their quality, marketability, and resilience against diseases. By incorporating these advanced formulations into their agricultural practices, farmers can unlock the full potential of their mango orchards, delivering consistently superior yields and delighting consumers with top-quality, visually stunning fruits. Whether you're a commercial grower looking to maximize profits or a small-scale farmer aiming for excellence, this comprehensive combo is your key to success in the competitive mango market.


Kmycin 30gm / 500 LIT
Nutritious 1 lit / 500 LIT 
NPK 00 00 50 2kg/500 LIT

पूरी जानकारी देखें

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रिफंड पर तभी विचार किया जाएगा जब ऑर्डर देने के 7 दिनों के भीतर अनुरोध किया गया हो। (यदि उत्पाद क्षतिग्रस्त है, तो डुप्लिकेट या मात्रा भिन्न होती है)।
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आपके स्थान और उत्पाद की उपलब्धता के आधार पर शिपिंग समय भिन्न हो सकता है। हम 7-8 व्यावसायिक दिनों के भीतर ऑर्डर संसाधित करने और शिप करने का प्रयास करते हैं। अधिक विशिष्ट वितरण अनुमानों के लिए, कृपया उत्पाद पृष्ठ देखें या हमारे ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क करें।