Mustard Sawfly Damage Treatment: A Complete Guide

Mustard Sawfly Damage Treatment: A Complete Guide

Mustard sawfly (Athalia lugens proxima) is a persistent pest affecting mustard crops, causing severe damage during its larval stage. From understanding its lifecycle to managing its infestation, this blog covers everything you need to protect your crops.

Mustard Sawfly Damage Symptoms

Identifying the symptoms early can save your mustard crop from severe damage:

  • Skeletonized Leaves: Larvae feed on leaf tissue, leaving behind only veins.
  • Small Holes: Tiny holes appear on leaves, a clear sign of mustard sawfly larvae.
  • Stunted Growth: Heavy infestation leads to poor crop growth and reduced yield

Mustard Sawfly Damaging Stage

The larval stage is the most damaging phase of the mustard sawfly lifecycle. During this stage, the larvae feed voraciously on mustard leaves for 2-3 weeks, causing significant damage.

Mustard Sawfly Lifecycle

Understanding the lifecycle of mustard sawfly helps time management strategies effectively:

  • Egg Stage: Eggs are laid under the leaves of mustard plants.
  • Larval Stage: The most damaging stage, where larvae skeletonize leaves.
  • Pupa Stage:
  • Adult Stage: Adults reproduce multiple generations in a season, making constant vigilance essential.

Mustard Sawfly Identification

Identifying mustard sawfly is crucial for early treatment:

  • Larvae: Greenish-dark grey, shiny, caterpillar-like body.
  • Adults: Wasp-like insects with transparent wings and a blackish-yellow body.

Recommended Products for Mustard Sawfly Control

KATYAYANI MAL 50 (Malathion 50% EC):

  • Dose: 250-300 ml per acre
  • Benefit: Effectively controls mustard sawfly at the larval stage.

Katyayani Chloro CS (Chloropyriphos 20% CS):

  • Dose: 500-700 ml per acre
  • Benefit: Provides long-lasting protection against mustard sawfly.

FAQs About Mustard Sawfly Management

Q. What are the best products for mustard sawfly treatment?

A. The best products include KATYAYANI MAL50 (Malathion 50EC) and Katyayani Chloro CS (Chloropyriphos 20EC).

Q. How do I control mustard sawfly without chemicals?

A. Control mustard sawfly by timely sowing, crop rotation, clean cultivation, and using natural enemies like Cotesia glomerata.

Q. What is the damaging stage of mustard sawfly?

A. The larval stage is the most damaging as larvae feed heavily on mustard leaves.

Written by :- Dheeraj Rajendra Mahajan

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