banana anthracnose

Measures to Control Anthracnose disease in Banana Crop

Anthracnose is a major fungal disease of banana, affecting both the fruit and the plant itself. It is caused by several species of fungi, most commonly Colletotrichum musae. This disease can cause significant yield losses, both in the field and during post-harvest storage and transport.

anthracnose of banana
  • Type of Infestation: Fungal Disease
  • Common Name: Anthracnose
  • Causal Organism: Gloeosporium musarum
  • Affected Parts Of the plant: Fruit

Environmental favorable factors for pests/Diseases:

  • Temperature: The fungus thrives in warm temperatures, with an optimal range of 22-32°C (72-90°F). Cooler temperatures slow down its growth, while hot temperatures can kill it.
  • Humidity: High humidity (above 90%) creates a perfect environment for fungal spore germination and infection. This is why Anthracnose is more prevalent during rainy seasons or in areas with high humidity.

Symptoms of Pest/Disease:

  • Dark, sunken lesions on leaves, stems, fruits, or flowers
  • Blight of leaves and shoots
  • Dieback of twigs and branches
  • Premature defoliation
  • Stunted growth
  • Reduced fruit yield

Measures to control Pests/Diseases:


Technical Names


CONCOR Difenconazole 25 % EC 120 ml - 150 ml / Acre
Samartha Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP 300-400 grams per acre
KTM Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP 250-600 grams per acre
K ZEB Mancozeb 75% WP 500gm per Acre
All In one 1.5 - 2 GM / Ltr

FAQs on Anthracnose of Banana

Q. What is anthracnose of banana?

A. Banana Anthracnose is a fungal disease caused by Colletotrichum musae, affecting banana fruits and leading to significant yield losses.

Q. What are the symptoms of anthracnose in banana?

A. Banana anthracnose symptoms include dark sunken lesions on fruits, leaf blight, dieback, and premature defoliation.

Q. How does anthracnose disease of banana spread?

A. Anthracnose disease of banana spreads through fungal spores, which germinate in high humidity (above 90%) and infect the plant.

Q. What is the banana anthracnose causal organism?

A. Banana anthracnose causal organism is Colletotrichum musae, a fungal pathogen that infects banana fruits and causes significant damage.

Q. What is the best treatment for banana anthracnose?

A. Fungicides like Difenconazole 25% EC (120-150ml/acre) and Mancozeb 75% WP (500gm/acre) effectively control anthracnose in banana.

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