mealybug in sugarcane

Measures to Control Mealybug pest in sugarcane crop

The blog is related to the pest Mealybug, and its mode of action, symptoms on sugarcane crops, and favorable factors of pest. This blog gives you the best control measures recommendations based on Organic, bio, and chemical.

What is a Mealybug pest ?

Mealybugs are soft-bodied, wingless insects that are known for their white, cottony appearance. They are related to scale insects and aphids, and they are a common pest of houseplants, greenhouse plants, and outdoor plants in warm climates. Mealybugs feed on the sap of plants by inserting their long, piercing mouthparts into the plant tissue.

They can weaken plants and cause them to yellow, drop leaves, and become stunted. Mealybugs also excrete a sticky substance called honeydew, which can attract ants and other pests and promote the growth of sooty mold.


Short Description of Mealybug Pest

Here is the detailed information related to the Mealybug pest:

Type of Infestation


Common Name

Mealy Bug

Scientific Name

Saccharicoccus sacchari

Affected Parts Of the plant

Leaves, Stalk and Roots

Identification of Mealybug pest in Sugarcane crop

The main characteristics of mealybug pest to identify is:

  • Adult mealybugs are oval-shaped, wingless, and covered in a white waxy powder, giving them a mealy appearance. They are about 5 mm long.
  • Nymphs (immature mealybugs) are similar to adults but smaller and lack the white powder.

Favorable factors of Mealybug pests

Ideal temperatures for mealybugs typically range between 25-30°C (77-86°F). They prefer high relative humidity levels, between 70-80%. This allows them to conserve water and maintain their body moisture.

Symptoms of Sugarcane crop affected by Mealybug pest

The Main symptoms of plant affected by mealybug pest are:

  • The presence of mealybugs on the sugarcane stalks, usually hidden beneath leaf sheaths or near the nodes.
  • Stunted growth of the sugarcane plant.
  • Yellowing of leaves.
  • Sooty mold growing on the honeydew excreted by the mealybugs, giving the sugarcane a black appearance.

Bio and Organic products for control of mealybug pests in sugarcane crop

Here are the best recommendations of bio and organic products.




Verticillium lecanii


2.5 - 5 ml/ Litre water

Beauveria Bassiana


2.5 - 5 ml/ litre water

Triple Attack


2.5 - 5 ml/ Litre water



1-2 ml/ Litre

Chemical control methods for mealybug pest in sugarcane crop

Here are the best recommendations of Chemical control measures.


Technical Names



Tolfenpyrad 15 % ec

1.5-2 ml/ Litre

Ashwamedh Plus

Diafenthiuron 40.1% + Acetamiprid 3.9% WP

200-250 grams per acre


Imidacloprid 17.8 % SL

100 -150 ml per acre


Fipronil 4% + Acetamiprid 4% w/w SC

2ml per liter of water

Mealybug Pest in Sugarcane FAQs

Q. What is the major pest in the Sugarcane crop?

A. Borers are the major pest in sugarcane crop, which leads to High damage.

Q. What is the best product for the Mealybug pest?

A. There is no best product specifically. For best results based on application time and population of pests, the product is recommended.

Q. How to Apply?

A. Foliar Application

Q. Best time for Application of pesticides?

A. Early Morning or Late Evening is the best time for application of pesticides.

mealybug in sugarcane

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