sigatoka leaf spot disease in banana Crop

Measures to Control Sigatoka Leaf Spot Disease in Banana Crop

Sigatoka leaf spot is a destructive fungal disease affecting banana plants, primarily caused by two different fungi: Mycosphaerella musicola (yellow Sigatoka) and Mycosphaerella fijiensis (black Sigatoka). Both diseases pose a significant threat to banana production worldwide and can lead to considerable yield losses if not managed effectively. Understanding the characteristics and symptoms of these diseases is crucial for effective control measures.

Sigatoka Leaf Spot

What is Sigatoka Leaf Spot Disease?

Sigatoka leaf spot disease refers to a fungal infection affecting the leaves of banana plants, leading to reduced photosynthesis and yield. The disease manifests in two forms: yellow Sigatoka, which causes yellowing and browning of leaves, and black Sigatoka, characterized by dark streaks and lesions. Both forms can severely impact plant health and fruit quality, making timely identification and management essential for banana farmers.

Overview of Sigatoka Leaf Spot Disease in Banana Crop



Type of Infestation

Fungal Disease

Common Name

Sigatoka Leaf Spot

Causal Organisms

Mycosphaerella musicola (Yellow Sigatoka) and Mycosphaerella fijiensis (Black Sigatoka)

Affected Plant Parts


Identification of Sigatoka Leaf Spot Disease

Identifying Sigatoka leaf spot disease early is crucial for managing its impact.

  • Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis):
    • Early Onset: Tiny, reddish-brown flecks appear on the undersides of leaves.
    • Progression: Flecks elongate and darken into streaks running parallel to the leaf veins.
    • Advanced Stages: Lesions develop into large, oval-shaped spots with sunken grayish centers and yellow halos.
    • Severe Impact: In susceptible cultivars, large areas of the leaf can die, leading to significant yield reductions.
  • Yellow Sigatoka (Pseudocercospora musicola):
    • Initial Signs: Yellow or brownish-green streaks appear near the leaf tip or midrib.
    • Development: Streaks enlarge into spindle-shaped spots with light grayish centers and yellow halos.
    • Leaf Damage: Leaves gradually dry out and die, leading to defoliation.
    • Yield Impact: While less severe than black Sigatoka, uncontrolled yellow Sigatoka can still reduce yields.

Environmental Favorable Factors for Sigatoka Leaf Spot Disease

Understanding the environmental conditions that favor Sigatoka leaf spot can help in preventing outbreaks.

  • Temperature: Both black and yellow Sigatoka thrive in warm temperatures, with optimal growth occurring between 25-30°C (77-86°F).
  • Humidity: High humidity levels (above 80%) create ideal conditions for fungal spore dispersal and infection.

Symptoms of Sigatoka Leaf Spot Disease

Recognizing symptoms is key to timely intervention.

  • Black Sigatoka Symptoms:
    • Early reddish-brown flecks on leaves.
    • Development of dark streaks that can lead to large areas of leaf die-off.
  • Yellow Sigatoka Symptoms:
    • Yellow streaks near the leaf margins that enlarge and lead to defoliation.

Measures to Control Sigatoka Leaf Spot Disease

Implementing control measures promptly can mitigate the impact of Sigatoka leaf spot disease.


Technical Names



Propiconazole 25% EC

200-300 ml per acre


Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP

300-400 grams per acre


Metalaxyl-M 3.3% + Chlorothalonil 33.1% SC

300-400 ml per acre

All In One

Combination product

1.5-2 gm per liter of water

FAQs Related Sigatoka leaf spot in Banana

Q. What are the main types of Sigatoka leaf spot diseases affecting banana crops?

A. The two main types are yellow Sigatoka, caused by Mycosphaerella musicola, and black Sigatoka, caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis, with black Sigatoka being more aggressive.

Q. How can I identify Sigatoka leaf spot disease in my banana plants?

A. Look for yellow or black streaks on the leaves, which develop into larger lesions that can cause defoliation and reduce yield.

Q. What conditions favor the development of Sigatoka leaf spot disease?

A. Warm temperatures (25-30°C) and high humidity (above 80%) are optimal for the growth of the fungi responsible for Sigatoka leaf spot.

Q. What control measures are recommended for managing Sigatoka leaf spot disease?

A. Recommended products include Boost (Propiconazole), Samartha (Carbendazim + Mancozeb), and DR BLIGHT (Metalaxyl-M + Chlorothalonil), among others.

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