Methods to control Thrips in Cumin Plant

Methods to control Thrips in Cumin Plant

Thrips are minute insects, usually less than 1mm long, known for causing damage to a wide variety of plants, including your beloved cumin crop. They can be both beneficial and harmful, but some species are known to be agricultural pests. Thrips feed on plant sap by puncturing plant cells with their specialized mouthparts, causing damage to leaves, flowers, and fruits.

Thrips in Cumin Plant


  • Appearance: Slender, elongated bodies with fringed wings
  • Color: Typically light brown, yellow, or black, but some species can be brightly colored
  • Size: Very small, usually less than 1mm long, making them difficult to spot without a magnifying glass
  • Behavior: Fly weakly, often jumping or running when disturbed


  • Type: Pest
  • Common Name: Thrips
  • Major affected states: Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka

Pest Stages of thrips:

  1. Egg Stage:
  • Tiny, oval eggs are laid inside plant tissue, often on leaves or flowers.
  • Difficult to spot due to their size and inconspicuous location.
  • No direct damage at this stage, but eggs signal the potential for a future infestation.
  1. First and Second Larval Stages:
  • Pale yellow or white, wingless larvae emerge from the eggs and start feeding.
  • Feed on plant sap, leaving behind silvery streaks or speckles on leaves and flowers.
  • Cause minimal damage at this stage, but their presence indicates an active infestation.
  1. Prepupa and Pupa Stages:
  • Non-feeding stages where larvae transform into adults.
  1. Adult Stage:
  • Winged adults emerge from pupae and are the most destructive stage.
  • Fly or jump between plants, spreading the infestation and causing significant damage.
  • Feed on leaves, flowers, and even developing seeds, leaving behind silvering, distortion, and stunted growth.

Initial Symptoms:

  • shiny marks on leaves and flowers are like the first whispers of thrips trouble. They're caused by the thrips piercing the plant tissue and feeding on the sap.
  • Tiny, discolored dots on leaves, almost like miniature pepperings, can also be an early sign of thrips activity.
  • As thrips continue feeding, the leaves might start to curl or become slightly deformed.

Severe Symptoms:

  • Leaves turn bronze or brown, losing their vibrant green color, and eventually start to wilt and droop.
  • The entire plant appears stunted and underdeveloped, struggling to reach its full potential.
  • Thrips feeding on flowers and developing seeds can significantly impact your cumin yield, leading to fewer and smaller fruits.

Control measures for Thrips in Cumin Plant:


Technical Names



Fipronil 40 % + Imidacloprid 40 % wg

60 gm/Acre


Fipronil 4% + Acetamipirid 4% w/w SC

250 ml/Acre

Ashwamedh Plus

Diafenthiuron 40.1% + Acetamiprid 3.9% WP

200 gm/Acre

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