Control Nutrient deficiency in Tomato Plants | Solution and Treatment

Control Nutrient deficiency in Tomato Plants | Solution and Treatment




    When tomato plants do not receive enough nutrients, it will be evident through symptoms such as yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and poor flowering and fruiting. Tomato plants can experience various nutrient deficiencies, with common symptoms including the following:

    1. Calcium Deficiency in Tomato Plants:

    Calcium Nutrient deficiency in Tomato plants

     Acidic, sandy, or coarse soils often contain less calcium. Uneven soil moisture and overuse of fertilizers can also cause calcium deficiency. At times, even with sufficient calcium in the soil, it can be in an insoluble form and is then unusable by the plant or it could be attributed to a "transport protein".


    • Cracking: Fruits may develop cracks, especially near the stem end
    • Stunted growth: Plant growth may be slow and stunted 
    • Deformed leaves: Leaves might curl upwards or inwards
    • Blossom and fruit drop: In severe cases, flowers and fruits can prematurely drop from the plant 
      Product  Dosage
    Katyayani Calcium Nitrate
    Apply 10 grams of Calcium Nitrate per pot, in 5 split doses.
    Foliar spray: Dissolve 4.0 – 5.0 g of Calcium Nitrate per litre of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves. At least 2-3 sprays with an interval of 15 days.


      2. Magnesium Deficiency in Tomato Plants : 

      Magnesium Nutrient deficiency in Tomato plants

      Magnesium is the most common deficiency in high tunnels especially on tomatoes. Deficiency symptoms normally appear mid-season on plants with heavy fruit load. Magnesium deficiency is common in sandy soils that are easily leached.


      • Leaf margins and tips: Browning and scorching may develop along the edges and tips of affected leaves.
      • Leaf distortion: Leaves may curl upwards or inwards.
      • Stunted growth: Plant growth might be slow and stuntedPremature
      • defoliation: In severe cases, leaves may prematurely drop from the plant.

      Katyayani Epsom Salt Dissolve 10-15 gm Magnesium Sulphate per litre of water for foliar application.Use 2-3 kg epsom salt per acre per spray.Apply 3 - 4 sprays per crop.

        3. Sulphur Deficiency in Tomato Plants : 

        Sulphur Nutrient deficiency in Tomato plants

        Sulphur is not as mobile as nitrogen within the plant. For that reason symptoms start on younger leaves and progress to older plant parts. The leaves are stiff and curled downward. They develop an interveinal chlorosis turning yellowish green to yellow.


        • Stunted growth: Sulfur is crucial for enzyme production and protein synthesis.
        • Thinning and stiff leaves: Affected leaves become thin and brittle, often curling upwards or inwards.
        • Reduced flowering and fruiting: Severe sulfur deficiency can limit floral initiation and fruit set.
        • Purple veins and stems: The veins and stems of affected plants may develop a reddish-purple tinge.
        Product  Dosage
        SULVET The dosage ranges from 750 to 1000 grams per acre.


        4. Boron Deficiency in Tomato Plants :

        Boron Nutrient deficiency in Tomato Crop:

        Boron deficiency occurs most frequently in sandy soils with low organic matter content as it is susceptible to leaching, and in soil with low moisture content. Symptoms of boron deficiency will generally begin to appear when available boron in the soil is below 1 ppm, and when boron in tissue is below 20 ppm. High levels of calcium in the soil can interfere with boron uptake by plants.


        • Terminal chlorosis: Younger leaves show yellowing at the tips and margins.
        • Distorted leaves: Leaves may curl upwards or inwards, appearing cupped, twisted, or even brittle.
        • Stunted growth: Plant growth slows down significantly.
        • Flowering and fruiting issues: Reduced flower set and fruit development.
        • Internal browning: The flesh of affected fruits may display brown tissue and corky patches.
         Product Dosage
        katyayani Boron 20 % Foliar application of 0.1 to 0.15 % solution (1 to 1.5 g/l of water) during the critical growth stage.
        Dissolve 200 grams of Boron 20% in 150-200 liters of water and spray over one acre of crop.


          5. Copper Deficiency in Tomato Plants :

          Copper Nutrient deficiency in Tomato plants

          Copper deficiency may be expressed as a light overall chlorosis along with the permanent loss of turgor in the young leaves. Recently matured leaves show netted, green veining with areas bleaching to a whitish gray. Some leaves develop sunken necrotic spots and have a tendency to bend downward.


          • Interveinal chlorosis: Older leaves begin to lose their green color between the veins, while the veins themselves stay green.
          • Wilting: Affected plants exhibit wilting, particularly during hot weather.
          • Distorted leaves: Leaf margins roll upwards and inwards, resulting in a cupping or twisting appearance. Leaves may also become brittle and prone to tearing.
          • Stunted growth: Plant growth slows down significantly, with shorter internodes and smaller overall size.
          • Flowering and fruiting issues: Reduced flower set and fruit development are common, with potential for misshapen and poorly colored fruits.
          Product       Dosage
          katyayani Copper Sulphate  400 gm / Acre


          6. Iron Deficiency in Tomato Plants :

          Iron Nutrient deficiency in Tomato plants

          At severe deficiency, the leaves may become nearly white, and the veins are chlorotic, too. Iron deficiency Magnesium deficiency also shows chlorosis in the interveinal areas, but these symptoms start on the older leaves, and the chlorosis has a more yellow-orange colour.


          • Interveinal chlorosis: The green between the veins of younger leaves starts fading, leaving a yellow network while the veins themselves remain green.
          • Stunted growth: Plant growth slows down significantly.
          • Leaves affected early: Unlike some other deficiencies, iron deficiency affects younger leaves first.
          • Reduced flowering and fruiting: Flower set and fruit development can be compromised.
            Product Dosage     
          Katyayani Iron EDTA    
          Foliar Spray Application : 1-2 gm / Liter of water
          Drip –Soil Application : 1-1.5 Kg / Acre.


            7. Manganese Deficiency in Tomato Plants: 

            Manganese Nutrient deficiency in Tomato plants

            Manganese deficient plants show chlorotic zones in the intercostal areas of the younger leaves, whereas the veins and a small seam around them remain green. With ongoing deficiency, gradually growing necrotic spots appear in the chlorotic interveinal tissue.


            • Interveinal chlorosis: Younger leaves develop yellowing between the veins, while the veins themselves remain green.
            • Necrotic spots: The yellow spots may develop into dry, brown necrotic lesions on the leaf surface.
            • Stunted growth: Plant growth slows down significantly, with shorter internodes and smaller overall size.
            • Reduced flowering and fruiting: Flower set and fruit development can be compromised, leading to lower yields and potentially misshapen fruits.
            • Distorted leaves: In severe cases, affected leaves may curl upwards or inwards, appearing cupped or distorted.
               Product Dosage
            Katyayani Mangenese sulphate
            1 kg per acre


              8. Molybdenum Deficiency in Tomato Plants :

              Molybdenum Nutrient deficiency in Tomato plants

              Molybdenum Mottling in lower leaves followed by scorching of margins and inrolling. Extensive flower drop older leaves scenesced and dropped off prematurely with death of the growing point.


              • Marginal chlorosis: Younger leaves start showing yellowing along the edges and margins, while the central veins and leaf base remain green. This yellowing progresses gradually inward, often forming a distinct border between green and yellow areas.
              • Stunted growth: Plant growth slows down slightly, with shorter internodes and smaller overall size compared to healthy plants.
              • Reduced flowering and fruiting: Flower set and fruit development may be slightly compromised, leading to potentially lower yields.
              • Curling leaves: In severe cases, affected leaves may curl upwards or inwards, appearing distorted.
               Product  Dosage
              Katyayani Ammonium Molybdate 52% Foliar Application 50 to 100 gms / acre


              9.  Zinc Deficiency in Tomato Plants : 

              Nutrient deficiency in Tomato Crop Zinc

              Affected leaves are dark green with chlorotic brightenings along the main vein, in the middle of the leaf blade. The leaf tissue looks strong and leathery, being slightly cupped downward. Shortened internodes give the plant a dense, compressed and stiff habitus.


              • Leaves: Stunted growth of new leaves, giving a dusty appearance.
              • Stems: Shortened internodes, leading to a compact plant appearance. Stems may become brittle and easily break.
              • Fruits: Reduced fruit size and number. Deformed fruits with catfacing (uneven ripening and cracking). Poor fruit quality with reduced flavor and nutritional value
                 Product  Dosage     
              Katyayani Zinc EDTA 12% Dissolve 100 grams of Katyayani zinc edta 12 % in 150-200 litres of water and spray over one acre of standing crop on both sides of leaves.


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