Shoot and Fruit Borer in Tomato

Best ways to control Shoot and Fruit Borer in Tomato

Explore the impact of fruit and shoot borer on tomato crops, including symptoms, lifecycle, and effective control measures. Learn how to protect your tomato plants from this destructive pest to ensure a healthy and bountiful harvest.
fruit borer in tomato
What is shoot and fruit borer pest in tomato crop?
Fruit borer is a serious pest of tomato as it reduces yield by up to 40%. The young are greenish to brown, with dark lines about the size of half of finger. Adult females are yellow moths with dark brown spots on wings.The caterpillars do the damage. The young caterpillars feed only on leaves; later, when they reach the third stage in their development they feed on flower buds and fruits, boring holes in them. Damaged fruits are invaded by fungi and bacteria causing rots, and the fruits fall.

Classification of Shoot and Fruit Borer in Tomato:

Type Pest
Scientific Name Helicoverpa armigera
Common Name Tomato fruit borer, cotton bollworm
Major affected states Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh.

Damage-causing Stage of Fruit and Shoot Borer:

  • The attacking stage of a fruit borer in tomato is at the larval (caterpillar) stage, as this is the phase during which the pest causes direct damage to the fruit.
  • The fruit borer lays eggs on or near the tomato fruit, and when the eggs hatch, the young caterpillars feed only on leaves; later, when they reach the third stage in their development they feed on flower buds and fruits, boring holes in them.
    tomato fruit borer

    Advantageous Conditions for Fruit and Shoot Borer pests:

    • Tomato fruit borers tends to live in warm temperatures. The optimal temperature range for their development is often between 20 to 30 degrees Celsius (68 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit).
    • The presence of crop residues, especially from the previous tomato crop, can provide overwintering sites for pupae.

    Symptoms of damage of Fruit and Shoot Borer pests :

    • Young larvae feed on tender foliage
    • Mature larvae bore circular holes
    • Thrust only a part of its body into fruit and eat the inner content

    Control measures for Shoot and fruit borer in tomato:

    The control measures for Shoot and Fruit borer in Tomato includes cultural, biological and chemical methods of control.

    Cultural control measure of Shoot and Fruit Borer in Tomato:

    • Collect and destroy infected fruits and mature larvae.
    • Grow 40-day-old American tall marigold and 25-day-old tomato seedlings in a 1:16 row ratio.
    • Set up pheromone traps using Helilure at a density of 12 traps per hectare.
    • Remove and dispose of damaged fruits and mature caterpillars.

    Biological Control Measure of Shoot and Fruit Borer in Tomato:

    • Apply Katyayani Bt Bio Larvicide Liquid, Bio Pesticide @5-10 ml in 1 Liter of water for foliar spray.

    Chemical Control Measures of Shoot and Fruit Borer in Tomato:


    Technical name





    Finish It


    All Stages

    apply 100 ml of this product per acre through drip irrigation. 100 ml diluted in 100 litres of water is used per acre of land




    All stages

    1.5-2.5 kg/Acre & Spray



    Emamectin benzoate 5 % SG


    Apply the insecticide when the incidence of Larvae is first observed and repeat applications as necessary.

    For Domestic Use take 1 Gram of Ema5 per 1 Litre of Water. For Large Applications 80-100 grams per Acre Foliar Spray.



    Chloropyriphos 20 % EC


    When identified

    500 to 1200 ML Per Ac

    foliar spray, soil drenching, seedling dip, and seed treatment.


    Novaluron 5.25% + Indoxacarb 4.5% SC


    When identified

    2 ml / Lit



    Flubendiamide 39.35 % sc


    Early stages of Square formation



    FAQs Related to Shoot & Fruit Borer In Tomato

    Q. How do you control Shoot and Fruit Borer in Tomato?

    A. Control fruit and shoot borer in tomatoes by rotating crops, removing affected debris, and inspecting plants regularly. Handpick larvae, use pheromone traps, and apply targeted insecticides when necessary.

    Q. Which is the best fungicide for Shoot and Fruit Borer in Tomato?

    A. The best fungicide for Shoot and Fruit Borer in tomatoes are Katyayani Ema 5 and Katyayani Chloro 20.

    Q. What are the symptoms of Shoot and Fruit Borer in Tomato?

    A. Symptoms of fruit and shoot borer in tomatoes include wilting of shoots, entry holes in stems, and scarring on fruits. Infected fruits may become soft and sunken, often containing visible larvae.

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