Measures to Control Fusarium Wilt in Tomato

Measures to Control Fusarium Wilt in Tomato

Fusarium wilt in tomatoes is a soil-borne fungal disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum. Discover the symptoms, causes, and effective management strategies to protect your tomato plants from yellowing, wilting, and stunted growth.

Measures to Control Fusarium Wilt in Tomato

What is the Fusarium Wilt in Tomato?

Fusarium wilt is a common and destructive fungal disease that affects a wide range of plants, including many vegetables, fruits, and ornamental crops. It is caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum, which attacks the vascular system of plants, disrupting the flow of water and nutrients. Early infection can be devastating, impacting overall fruit production. Later infections might affect fewer fruits but still reduce their size and quality.

Classification Of Fusarium Wilt in Tomato

Type of Infestation

Fungal Disease

Common Name

Fusarium Wilt

Causal Organism

Fusarium oxysporum

Affected Parts Of the plant


Environmental favorable factors for Disease Fusarium Wilt in Tomato:

  • Warm soil temperatures (80-90°F)
  • Sandy soils
  • High nitrogen levels in the soil
  • Low potassium levels in the soil
  • Wounds on the roots

Symptoms of Disease Fusarium Wilt in Tomato:

  • Wilting of leaves, typically starting with the lower leaves and progressing upwards
  • Yellowing of leaves, often on one side of the plant or leaf at first
  • Stunted growth
  • Browning of the vascular tissue in the stem, visible when the stem is cut open
  • wilting of the entire plant and eventually death

Measures to control disease Fusarium Wilt in Tomato:

The measures to control disease Fusarium wilt in Tomato are by cultural control measure, biological control measure and chemical control measures.

Cultural control measures of disease Fusarium Wilt in Tomato:

  • Soil solarisation should be done
  • Crop rotation should be adopted in the field.
  • Removal of infected plant debris.

Biological Control measures of fusarium wilt of tomato:

  • Use Katyayani Tyson( Trichoderma virdie) 1% WP @4g / kg of seeds.
  • Use Katyayani Trichoderma viride, bio fungicide liquid @5- 10 ml in 1 Litre water for foliar application.

Chemical control measures for Fusarium Wilt in Tomato:


Technical Names



Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP

250-600 grams per acre

FAQS Related to tomato fusarium wilt:

Q. What are the common symptoms of tomato fusarium wilt?

A. Fusarium wilt in tomatoes is characterized by yellowing and clearing of the veinlets in lower leaves, wilting and drooping of petioles and leaves, browning of the vascular system, and the entire plant wilting and dying.

Q. How do you control the wilt of tomatoes?

A. The fusarium wilt of Tomatoes can be controlled by cultural, biological and chemical control methods.

Q. What fungicide against Fusarium wilt?

A. The fusarium wilt in Tomatoes is controlled by Katyayani KTM @250-600 grams per acre.

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