Disease in Sesame Crop

Measures to control Root Rot disease in Sesame Crop

Root rot disease, also known as stem rot or charcoal rot, is one of the most destructive diseases affecting sesame crops. It is caused by a soil-borne fungus called Macrophomina phaseolina. This fungus can survive in the soil for extended periods, forming structures called sclerotia that allow it to persist through harsh conditions.
  • Scientific name: Macrophomina phaseolina
  • Type: Fungal Disease
  • Target: Root 
  • Damage: Dark brown lesions at the collar region

  • Environmental favorable factors for pests/Diseases:
  • Temperature:  Many root rot fungi are heat-loving. Soil temperatures between 25C and 30C can promote rapid growth of these pathogens.
  • Humidity: Fungal pathogens that cause root rot thrive in moist environments. Overwatering or poorly drained soils can create ideal conditions for these pathogens to grow and infect sesame roots.
  • Disease in Sesame Crop
    Symptoms of Pest/Disease:
    • Wilting leaves, even when the soil is moist
    • Yellowing or browning of leaves
    • Stunted growth
    • Leaves dropping prematurely
    • Soft and mushy roots
    Measures to control Pests/Diseases:
    Products Technical Name Dosage
    KTM Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP 250-600 grams per acre
    TYSON Trichoderma Viride 1 – 2KG of Katyayani Trichoderma Viride
    Samartha Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP 300-400 grams per acre
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