Green/Black Gram Fertilizer

Katyayani Boron 20% EDTA | Fertilizer for Bitter Gourd, Fruit and Vegetable Crops

Katyayani Boron 20% EDTA | Fertilizer for Bitter Gourd, Fruit and Vegetable Crops

400 GM ( 400 GM x 1 )
Rs406.00 Rs. 430.00

800 GM ( 400 GM x 2 )
Rs519.00 Rs. 720.00

1600 GM ( 400 GM x 4 )
Rs999.00 Rs. 1,358.00

4 KG ( 400 GM x 10 )
Rs2,350.00 Rs. 2,960.00

8 KG ( 400 GM x 20 )
Rs4,580.00 Rs. 5,422.00

10 KG ( 10 KG x 1 )
Rs5,620.00 Rs. 8,992.00

25 KG ( 25 KG x 1 )
Rs7,093.00 Rs. 10,878.00

Green/Black Gram Insecticide

Katyayani Sarvashakti Insecticide | Control Insect of All Vegetable Crops

Katyayani Sarvashakti Insecticide | Control Insect of All Vegetable Crops

250 ML ( 250 ML x 1)
Rs619.00 Rs. 990.00

500 ML( 250 ML x 2)
Rs1,198.00 Rs. 1,916.00

1 L ( 250 ML x 4)
Rs2,230.00 Rs. 3,568.00

3 L ( 250 ML x 12)
Rs6,660.00 Rs. 10,656.00

5 L ( 250 ML x 20)
Rs9,975.00 Rs. 15,960.00

Green/Black Gram Fungicide

Katyayani Prodifen | Propiconazole 13.9 % + Difenoconazole 13.9 % EC | Chemical Fungicide

Katyayani Prodifen | Propiconazole 13.9 % + Difenoconazole 13.9 % EC | Chemical Fungicide

750 ML ( 250ML x 3 )
Rs1,198.00 Rs. 2,067.00

1 L ( 250ML x 4 )
Rs1,426.00 Rs. 2,756.00

1.75 L( 250ML x 7 )
Rs2,427.00 Rs. 4,823.00

3 L ( 250ML x 12 )
Rs4,070.00 Rs. 8,268.00

5 L ( 250ML x 20 )
Rs6,593.00 Rs. 13,780.00

10 L ( 250ML x 40 )
Rs12,730.00 Rs. 27,560.00