Measures to Control Red Rot disease in Sugarcane Crop

Measures to Control Red Rot disease Of Sugarcane Crop

Sugarcane, one of the most important crops, globally faces threat from Pests and Diseases. This blog explains the main threat in the sugarcane crop called "Red Rot", leading to significant yield losses if left unchecked. In this article, we'll explore effective measures to control and manage Red Rot. In this article, we'll explore effective measures to control and manage Red Rot infestations.

What is a Red Rot Disease ?

Red rot is a serious fungal disease that primarily affects sugarcane. It's caused by the fungus Colletotrichum falcatum (also known as Glomerella tucumanensis). Red rot can cause significant yield losses as the infected cane becomes unusable for sugar production.

Red Rot of Sugarcane

Short Description of Red Rot Disease

Here is the detail information related to the Red Rot Disease:

Type of Infestation

Fungal Disease

Common Name

Red Rot

Scientific Name

Glomerella tucumanensis

Affected Parts Of the plant

Stem and Leaf

Favorable factors for Red Rot Disease

Optimal temperatures are between 28-32°C (82-90°F). Higher temperatures can slow disease progression, but the fungus remains viable. High relative humidity is crucial for the disease to spread. Rain, irrigation, and waterlogged conditions create the moisture needed for infection.

Symptoms of Sugarcane Red Rot disease

Main symptoms of plant affected by red rot disease of sugarcane are:

  • Yellowing and drooping of top leaves.
  • The most characteristic symptom is the internal reddening of the sugarcane stalk. If you split an infected cane lengthwise, you'll see reddish areas interspersed with white patches.
  • Infected cane also develops a sour, alcoholic smell.
  • In later stages, the leaves may turn yellow and wither. The entire cane can dry up, making it unfit for sugar production.

Bio and Organic products for control of Red Rot disease in sugarcane crop

Here are the best recommendations of bio and organic products.




All in One


1.5 - 2 gms/ Ltr

Bacillus Supp 2% AS

Bio Fungicide

1.5-2 Liter Per Acre

Tyson (Trichoderma Viride)

Bio Fungicide

3 grams/ Litre

Pseudomonas Fluorescens

Bio Fungicide

4 ml per liter of water.

Chemical control methods for Red Rot Disease in sugarcane crop

Here are the best recommendations of Chemical control measures.


Technical Names


COC 50

Copper Oxychloride



Mancozeb 75% WP

2- 2.5 gm per liter of water


Tebuconazole 10 % + sulphur 65 % wg

5 gms/ litre


Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP

2 gms/ litre


Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP

300-400 grams per acre


Azoxystrobin 23 % SC

1 ml/Lit

Frequently Asked Questions Related Red Rot of Sugarcane

Q. What is red rot of sugarcane?

Red rot is a fungal disease caused by Colletotrichum falcatum, leading to severe yield losses in sugarcane crops.

Q. What is the best fungicide for red rot of sugarcane?

A. Katyayani Azozole is one of the best fungicides for controlling red rot in sugarcane, offering effective protection and disease management.

Q. How to apply?

A. The above mentioned most of the products are applied by foliar spray.
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