Potato Wilt Disease

Potato Wilt Disease: Identification, Symptoms, and Treatment Tips

Potato wilt disease is a major concern for farmers as it affects crop yield and quality. The disease is caused by fungal and bacterial pathogens, mainly Fusarium wilt and Ralstonia (Bacterial) wilt. If left untreated, it can lead to significant losses. Identifying early symptoms and applying proper control measures can help protect potato crops.

Types of Potato Wilt Disease

Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tuberosi)

  • A soil-borne fungal disease that spreads through infected soil and plant debris.
  • More severe in warm and dry conditions.
Fusarium Wilt

Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)

  • Caused by bacteria that block water-conducting tissues in plants.
  • Spreads rapidly in warm and humid climates.
Bacterial Wilt

Potato Wilt Symptoms 

1. Fusarium Wilt Symptoms:

  • Older leaves turn yellow and curl.
  • Wilting begins from the lower leaves and progresses upward.
  • Browning of vascular tissues inside stems.
  • Plant stunting and reduced tuber formation.
  • Roots appear dark and rotten.

2. Bacterial Wilt Symptoms:

  • Sudden wilting of leaves during the daytime.
  • Dark streaks inside the stem when cut open.
  • Yellowing and drooping of entire plant.
  • Brown, slimy bacterial ooze when cutting the stem.
  • Tubers may show brown discoloration inside.

Potato Wilt Treatment 

1. Cultural Control

  • Use disease-free, certified seed potatoes.
  • Rotate crops with non-host plants like maize or beans for 2-3 years.
  • Remove and destroy infected plants immediately.

2. Biological & Chemical Control

Fusarium Wilt

Bio Insecticide -


Chemical Insecticide -

  • Katyayani KTM (Thiophanate Methyl 70% wp) - Dose - 500 gm / Acre
Katyayani KTM

Bacterial wilt

Bio Insecticide - Katyayani Striker (Pseudomonas Fluorescens 1% WP)- Dose - 1-2 Kg/ Acre

Soil and Water Management

Avoid overwatering as excessive moisture favors bacterial growth.Improve soil drainage by planting in raised beds.Apply organic manure and compost to enhance soil health.

Preventive Measures

  • Select disease-resistant potato varieties.
  •  Disinfect farm tools to prevent pathogen spread.
  • Apply neem cake or biofungicides before planting.
  • Regularly monitor fields for early symptoms of wilt.


Potato wilt disease is a serious threat, but early detection and proper management can reduce its impact. Implementing integrated disease management (IDM) with cultural, biological, and chemical control methods will help maintain healthy potato crops and improve yields.

Faqs Related Potato wilt disease

Q. Can I Eat Potatoes Affected by Wilt Disease?

A. Mildly infected potatoes may still be safe for consumption, but severely diseased tubers with rot or bacterial slime should be discarded.

Q. Can Wilted Potato Plants Recover?

A. If caught early, biological and chemical treatments can slow disease progression. However, severely infected plants should be removed to prevent further spread.

Q. How can I control bacterial wilt in potatoes?

A. Remove infected plants, use disease-free seed potatoes, and practice crop rotation.

Q. Can wilt diseases spread to other plants?

A. Yes, they can spread to other solanaceous plants like tomatoes and peppers etc.

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