Disease Management of Alternaria Blight in Cumin

Disease Management of Alternaria Blight in Cumin

Alternaria blight is a plant disease caused by various species of the fungal genus Alternaria. Alternaria blight is identified by the development of dark lesions on leaves, stems, and other plant parts. Alternaria blight typically starts by infecting the leaves of plants. Circular to irregular-shaped lesions with dark brown to black centers appeared on the leaves. and as the disease progresses, they increase, covering more leaf area. The fungus can also infect the stems of cumin plants, causing dark lesions and cankers. The disease is mainly a Airborne Disease, this disease is transferred through airborne spores called Conidia and through direct contact and mechanical tools. This disease enters into healthy plants through natural openings and wounds.

Alternaria Blight in Cumin


  • Type of Infestation: Disease
  • Common Name: Alternaria Blight
  • Scientific Name: Alternaria burnsii
  • Category of Plant Disease: Fungal Disease
  • Mode of spread: Air borne, Direct Contact, Infected Seeds
  • Affected parts of plant: Leaves, Stem, Flowers

Favorable factors for disease/Pest Development:

  • Weather Conditions: Warm, humid environments with frequent dew or rain create ideal conditions for fungal growth.
  • Infected Seeds: The fungus can survive on seeds, spreading the disease to new crops.
  • Crop Residues: Infected plant debris left in the field serves as a source of fungal inoculum for the next crop cycle.

Initial Symptoms:

  • Small, whitish, necrotic areas: These initially appear on the tips of young leaves, especially the upper leaves
  • Lesions gradually enlarge and darken: As the disease progresses, the lesions become larger and turn brown to black in color.
  • Yellowing and wilting of leaves: Affected leaves start to yellow and wilt, eventually dropping prematurely.

Severe Symptoms:

  • Browning and drying of stems: The fungus can also infect the stems, causing them to turn brown and dry out.
  • Defoliation: Severe infection can lead to complete defoliation of the plant.
  • Stunted growth and development: The disease can stunt the growth and development of the plant, leading to reduced yields.

Control measures for Alternaria Blight Disease in Cumin:


Technical Names



Mancozeb 75% WP

2 gm/lt


Difenconazole 25 % EC

1 ml/lt


Azoxystrobin 11.00 % Tebuconazole 18.30 % SC

1 ml/lt

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Alternaria Blight?

A. It is a fungal disease that causes dark spots on leaves and stems of plants.

Q. What are the main symptoms of Alternaria Blight?

A. Black spots on leaves, yellowing, wilting, and stem drying.

Q. How does Alternaria Blight spread?

A. It spreads through airborne spores, infected seeds, and direct contact.

Q. How can Alternaria Blight be treated?

A. Fungicides like KZEB, Concor, and Dr.Zole can be used for treatment.

Q. What precautions should be taken to prevent Alternaria Blight?

A. Avoid using infected seeds, remove crop residues, and inspect plants regularly.

Q. What weather conditions favor Alternaria Blight?

A. Warm and humid weather with dew or rain creates ideal conditions for the disease.


For more information about pests and diseases, read our other blogs.

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