Leaf Hopper in Cotton

Easy & cost-effective ways to control Leafhoppers in Cotton Crops

In India, a common insect known as the "leafhopper" or "Indian cotton jassid" affects a variety of crops. Its nymph, which is visible between the leaf's veins, is a transparent green color without wings. Pest adults have green, wedged bodies. Here is further information on how to deal with their infestation in cotton. 🌿🪲🍃🌱🦗



The margins of the delicate leaves curl downward as they turn yellow. Hopper burning, or the reddening or turning bronze of the leaves, is a sign of a severe infestation. The curled leaf margins will break and crumble, drying out the leaves and affecting the plant's growth. 🍃🌱🦗🍂🔥🌿

Preventive Measures

  • The main preventive approach is to choose resistant cultivars.
  • The other method of minimizing leafhopper infestations is crop rotation, which can be accomplished by selecting crops that can resist these pests.
  • The third technique involves picking the best time for the plant to grow, particularly April and May, so that it can withstand an infection without significantly impeding growth

Chemical Control

  • Regent pesticide supports mature plant growth and good flowering, both of which boost crop yields. It makes the plants greener, increases the total leaf surface area, and encourages growth in height. The plants will produce more productive tillers and stronger roots. The dosage is 1.5 ml in 1 liter of water, and the leaves are sprayed with it.
  • Two systemic insecticides are combined in the powdered pesticide Lancer Gold. Acephate 500 and Imidacloprid 1.8% SP, the major components, are freely soluble in water and readily absorbed by plants. It works well against a wide variety of sucking and eating insects. The pests are efficient against numerous insects, including leafhoppers, and are managed by direct contact. Two grams are diluted in one liter of water.
  • Alika pesticide is a powerful insecticide that kills bugs with a dual action of contact and contact & systemic. Lambda-cyhalothrin and Thiamethoxam, the active chemicals in this mixture, can control pests and enhance plant growth and development by giving them greater foliage and more branches. The dosage is 0.5 milligrams per liter of water or 80 milligrams per acre.


Early preventive measures and consistent use of the pesticides listed below help control leafhoppers in cotton. We anticipate that you will find this material to be useful. 🌿🛡️🪲💧🌱🔍To get all kinds of information related to such crops visit our website https://krishisevakendra.in.

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