Root rot Disease in Cotton

Management of Root rot Disease in Cotton

Save your cotton crops from the damaging effects of cotton root rot.This blog contains the cotton root rot disease's symptoms, causes, and effective prevention and control strategies. Discover how to protect your plants from this fungal infection and ensure a healthy harvest.

what is Root Rot Disease?

Root rot diseases in cotton are caused by various soilborne pathogens, including fungi and oomycetes. These pathogens infect the roots of cotton plants, leading to rotting and decay of the root system.The broad host range of the fungus includes numerous crop plants, such as alfalfa and cotton. It is caused by various fungal pathogens, this disease attacks the plant's root system, stops its ability to absorb water and nutrients. Symptoms include wilting, yellowing leaves, and stunted growth. To prevent and control root rot, growers can implement strategies such as crop rotation, improving soil drainage, planting resistant varieties, and using fungicides when necessary.

Short Description of Root rot disease in Cotton

Type of Infestation

  • Disease

Common Name

  • Root rot

Scientific Name

  • Rhizoctonia bataticola

Category of Plant Disease

  • Fungal Disease

Mode of spread

  • soil borne disease

Affected parts of plant:

  • Roots, Stem, Leaves, Bolls

Favorable factors for Root rot Disease in Cotton:

  • Warm temperatures: Most root rot fungi thrive in warmer soil temperatures, typically above 20°C (70°F). Higher temperatures can also stress the cotton plant, making it more susceptible to infection.
  • Moist soil: Excess soil moisture creates an ideal environment for fungal growth and spore germination. Poor drainage and heavy rainfall can exacerbate this issue.
  • High humidity: Humid conditions further encourage fungal activity and hinder air circulation around the roots,creating a favorable environment for infection.

Initial Symptoms of Root rot disease in Cotton:

  • Uneven stands: Seedling death or weak emergence might be your first hint, often mistaken for poor planting or seedling diseases.
  • Stunted growth: Compared to healthy plants, affected individuals exhibit slower growth, lagging behind in height and leaf expansion.
  • Wilting: During hot days, wilting, particularly on lower leaves, becomes noticeable, though it may recover overnight, masking the underlying issue.

Severe Symptoms of Root rot disease in Cotton:

  • Extensive wilting and drooping: Leaves become severely wilted and droopy, progressing upwards over time, refusing to recover even during cooler periods.
  • Leaf necrosis: Leaves turn brown and dry, eventually dropping prematurely, stripping the plant of its vital photosynthetic organs.
  • Boll shedding: Bolls may abort and fall prematurely due to lack of water and nutrients, significantly impacting yield.

Measures for root rot disease in cotton:

Root rot disease in cotton, caused by various soil-borne pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium spp., and Pythium spp., can lead to significant yield losses. Effective management of root rot involves a combination of cultural, chemical, and biological control methods. Here are the control measures for root rot in cotton:

Cultural control measure of root rot disease in cotton:

  • Clear and burn infected plant debris from the soil after deep plowing in the summer.
  • Apply 4 tons of farmyard manure per acre or 60 kg of neem cake per acre.
  • Begin sowing in the first week of April or the last week of June.
  • Use intercropping with sorghum or moth bean (Phaseolus aconitifolius) to help lower soil temperature.

Chemical control measures for Root Rot Disease in Cotton:


Technical Names



Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP

250-600 grams per acre


Trichoderma Harzianum 1%WP

Mix 2.5 kg with 50 kg Farm Yard Manure and broadcast in one hectare field before sowing.


Copper oxychloride 50 % wp



Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP

Use 300-400 grams per acre

FAQS related to root rot disease in cotton

Q. How to identify root rot disease in cotton?

A. Yellowing and wilting of cotton leaves, slow growth of cotton crops, entire root system gets rotted, plants dried and the affected plants can be easily pulled out.

Q. What is the fungicide recommended for root rot disease in cotton?

A: The chemical treatment recommended for root rot in cotton is Katyayani KTM @250-600 g per acre.

Q. What are climatic conditions favorable for root rot disease in cotton?

A: Extremely high and low soil temperature, dry weather followed by heavy rains are climatic conditions for root rot in cotton.

Q. How do you treat root rot disease in cotton?

A: Katyayani KTM or Katyayani COC 50 is generally used to treat root rot disease.

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