Measures to Control Bean Aphids in Green Gram

Measures to Control Bean Aphids in Green Gram

Green Gram, one of the most important Pulse crops, globally faces threat from Pests and Diseases. This blog explains the main threat in the Green Gram crop called "Bean Aphids", leading to significant yield losses if left unchecked. In this article, we'll explore effective measures to control and manage Bean Aphids pests.

What are Bean Aphids?

Bean aphids (Aphis craccivora) are tiny, soft-bodied insects that commonly infest green gram crops, causing significant yield losses. Aphids are most damaging during the vegetative and flowering stages when they directly compete with the plant for nutrients and essential resources crucial for pod and seed development.

Measures to Control Bean Aphids in Green Gram

Short Description of Bean Aphids

Here is the detail information related to the Bean Aphids:


Type of Infestation


Common Name

Bean Aphids

Scientific Name

Aphis craccivora

Affected Parts of the Plant

Leaves, Stem, and Pods

Identification of Bean Aphids

The main characteristics of Bean Aphids pest to identify is:

  • Adults: Shiny black or dark brown, around 2mm long, with some winged individuals.
  • Nymphs: Greenish-yellow, smaller than adults, covered with a waxy coating.

Favorable factors of Bean Aphids in Green Gram Crop

Bean aphids prefer moderate temperatures (20-25°C). Moderate to high humidity (50-80%) creates favorable conditions for aphid reproduction and survival.

Symptoms of Green Gram crop affected by Bean Aphids pests

Main symptoms of plant affected by Bean Aphids pests are:

  • Bean aphids feed on the sap of leaves, stems, and pods of plants.
  • Their feeding can stunt plant growth, reduce yields, and distort leaves.
  • They also produce honeydew, a sticky substance that attracts sooty mold, further reducing plant health.
  • Additionally, bean aphids can transmit viruses to plants, further exacerbating damage.

Bio and Organic products for control of Bean Aphids in Green Gram crop

Here are the best recommendations of bio and organic products.






3 ml/ liter water



5 ml/ liter water



1 ml/ liter of water



5 - 10 ml/ Liter


Chemical control methods for Bean Aphids in Green Gram Crop

Here are the best recommendations of Chemical control measures.


Technical Names



Chlorpyriphos 20% EC

500 - 1200 ml/ Acre


Pymetrozine 50% WG

120 - 150 grams/ Acre


Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG

150 - 200 Grams/ Acre


Imidacloprid 30.5% SC

50 - 70 ml/ Acre


Fipronil 5% SC

400 - 500 ml/Acre


Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC

60 - 80 ml/ Acre


Diafenthiuron 50% WP

250 grams/ Acre

Also Read about how to handle Anthracnose in Green Gram here.

Green Gram Bean Aphids Related FAQs

Q. What are Bean Aphids?

A. Bean aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that infest green gram crops. They feed on the sap of leaves, stems, and pods, leading to reduced plant growth and yield.

Q. When is the best time to implement control measures against Bean Aphids?

A. Monitor your crop regularly, especially during the vegetative and flowering stages when aphids are most damaging. Early intervention is crucial to prevent severe infestations and minimize yield losses.

Q. How bean aphids affect the green gram crop?

A. Bean aphids (Aphis craccivora) affect green gram crops by feeding on sap from leaves, stems, and pods


Measures to Control Bean Aphids in Green Gram

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