Cercospora Leaf Spot in Green Gram

Control measures of Cercospora leaf spot in Green Gram crop

Green Gram, one of the most important Pulse crops, globally faces threat from Pests and Diseases. This blog explains the main threat in the Green Gram crop called "Cercospora Leaf Spot", leading to significant yield losses if left unchecked. In this article, we'll explore effective measures to control and manage Cercospora leaf spot disease.

What is Cercospora Leaf Spot?

Cercospora leaf spot, caused by the fungus Cercospora canesens, is a major disease threatening green gram, also known as mung bean, production worldwide. It can significantly reduce yields, causing losses of up to 60% in severe cases. Some crops, like sugar beets, can experience yield losses of up to 50% under severe infection, while others, like soybeans, typically experience minimal yield loss even with widespread leaf spotting.

Measures to Control Cercospora Leaf Spot in Green Gram

Short Description of Cercospora Leaf Spot

Here is the detail information related to the Cercospora Leaf Spot

Type of Infection

Fungal disease

Common Name

Cercospora Leaf Spot

Scientific Name

Cercospora Canescens

Affected parts of plants

Leaves, Stem, Pod

Identification of Cercospora Leaf Spot

Here are some of the Identification of Cercospora Leaf Spot:

  • Early stage: Look for small, numerous brown, water-soaked circular spots with yellowish halos on leaves. These often start on older leaves, particularly the undersides.
  • Progression: As the disease progresses, spots may enlarge and merge, covering larger areas of the leaf surface.
  • Leaf damage: Infected leaves may become yellowed, distorted, and eventually fall off, leading to defoliation.

Favorable factors of Cercospora leaf spot in Green Gram Crop

Optimal range for fungal growth is 25-30°C (77-86°F). Above 70% relative humidity facilitates spore germination and infection.

Symptoms of Green Gram crop affected by Cercospora Leaf Spot

Here are some of the the symptoms of Cercospora leaf spot affected green gram crop:

  • Look for small, numerous brown, water-soaked circular spots with yellowish halos on leaves.
  • These spots may enlarge and merge, covering larger areas of the leaf surface.
  • Infected leaves may become yellowed, distorted, and eventually fall off, leading to defoliation.
  • Similar spots can also occur on stems and pods, further impacting pod development and seed quality.

    Bio and Organic products for control of Cercospora leaf spot in Green Gram crop

    Here are the best recommendations of bio and organic products.






    1.5 - 2 Grams/ Acre



    1 - 2 kg/ Acre



    1.5 - 2 liters/ Acre

    Chemical products for control of Cercospora leaf spot in Green Gram crop

    Here are the best recommendations of bio and organic products.


    Technical name



    Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP

    300-400 grams per acre

    COC 50

    Copper Oxychloride



    Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP

    2 grams/ liter

    K ZEB

    Mancozeb 75% WP

    500 gms per Acre


    Sulphur 80% WDG

    750 - 100 grams/ Acre


    Propiconazole 25% EC

    200 - 300 ml/ Acre


    Difenconazole 25% EC

    120 - 150 ml/ Acre


    Azoxystrobin 23% SC

    200ml/ Acre


    Q) What are the symptoms of Cercospora leaf spot?

    small brown circular spots with yellow halos on leaves, which enlarge, merge, and eventually cause leaf yellowing and premature defoliation, also affecting stems and pods.

    Q) What is the major disease in Green Gram Crop?

    The major disease in Green Gram Crop is Cercospora Leaf Spot, caused by the fungus Cercospora canesens.

    Q) What is the best product for Cercospora Leaf Spot disease?

    The best product for controlling Cercospora Leaf Spot disease in Green Gram Crop is COC 50 (Copper Oxychloride).

    Q) What is the mode of Infection of Cercospora leaf spot?

    The mode of infection of Cercospora leaf spot is primarily through fungal spores, which spread through wind, water, or physical contact, infecting leaves, stems, and pods of the green gram plant.

    Cercospora Leaf Spot in Green Gram

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