Leaf Webber pest in Sesame crop

Measures to control Leaf Webber pest in Sesame crop

Leaf webber is a larva of various moth species that are known for creating silken webs around leaves. These caterpillars can damage leaves and reduce plant growth. The webbing can protect the caterpillars from predators, but it can also make it difficult for plants to photosynthesize.

Leaf Webber pest in Sesame crop

  • Scientific name: Antigastra catalaunalis
  • Type: Chewing Pest
  • Target: Leaves
  • Damage: Webbing of Terminal leaves & boring of shoots 

  • Identification:

    • Green in color
    • About 1 inch long
    • Have a slender body with a black head
    • May have stripes or spots
    • Small moths with a wingspan of about 1 inch
    • The forewings are typically brown or gray, while the hindwings are lighter in color
    • Silken threads that the larvae use to enclose themselves and their food source
    Environmental favorable factors for pests/Diseases:
  • Temperature: They prefer warm temperatures, typically between 25-30°C. This is because warmer temperatures accelerate their development and reproduction rates.
  • Humidity: Leaf webbers tend to thrive in humid environments as it helps them to conserve water and avoid desiccation. High humidity also favors the growth of fungal pathogens on which some leaf webber larvae may feed.

  • Symptoms of Pest/Disease:
  • Webbing of terminal leaves: Presence of webbing on the plant's terminal leaves. Young larvae will web together a few of the top leaves of the sesame plant and feed on them from within the enclosure.
  • Stunted growth: If the infestation is severe, affected plants may exhibit stunted growth. This is because the larvae's feeding activity damages the plant's leaves, which are essential for photosynthesis and growth.
  • Holes in leaves: As the larvae mature, they will start to leave holes in the leaves as they feed. 
  • Damage to flowers and capsules: The larvae may also damage the sesame plant's flowers and developing seed capsules. This can significantly reduce seed yield.

  • Measures to control Pests/Diseases:
    Products Technical Name Dosage
    K-Indox INDOXACARB 14.5% SC 200 ml per Acre
    Finish It 100 ml of this product per acre
    Aakramak Plus Novaluron 5.25% + Indoxacarb 4.5% SC 2 ml / Lit 
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