Purple Blotch in Onions | Symptoms, Prevention, and Control Tips

Purple Blotch in Onions | Symptoms, Prevention, and Control Tips

Onion farming is vital for farmers in states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka,Uttar Pradesh, and Gujarat. However, one of the most common fungal diseases threatening onion yields is Purple Blotch. This disease, caused by the fungus Alternaria porri, can severely impact the health of your crop and reduce both yield and quality. Understanding the symptoms and timely action are key to controlling Purple Blotch and ensuring a successful harvest.


What Is Purple Blotch in Onions?

Purple Blotch is a fungal disease that primarily affects onion plants. The fungus thrives in warm, humid conditions and spreads through infected plant debris, seeds, and water splashes. If left unchecked, Purple Blotch can spread rapidly across the field, causing significant losses.

Symptoms of Purple Blotch

  • Lesions on Leaves: Small, water-soaked spots appear on leaves, which gradually enlarge into purplish-brown lesions with yellow halos.
  • Drying Leaves: Affected leaves may dry out from the tip downwards, affecting the plant's ability to photosynthesize.
  • Weakened Plants: In severe cases, plants may weaken, resulting in poor bulb formation.
  • Vulnerable Bulbs: Weak plants are more susceptible to other diseases, further reducing yield.

Economic Loss Caused by Purple Blotch in onion

Purple blotch can cause yield losses of up to 30-50% if not managed promptly, leading to significant economic setbacks. The disease results in smaller, discoloured, and weak bulbs that fetch lower market prices, reducing overall profitability. Additionally, farmers face increased input costs for extra treatments and labour. In major onion-growing regions, these combined impacts can severely affect farmers' financial stability.

Best Products for onion purple blotch Control

Katyayani Dr Zole

To effectively control purple blotch in onions, Katyayani Dr Zole is the trusted solution. This powerful fungicide is specially formulated to combat fungal diseases like purple blotch.

Best Fungicide for Onionn Purple Blotch

Benefits of Katyayani Dr Zole

  • Fast Action: Stops the spread of purple blotch quickly.
  • Broad-Spectrum Control: Effective against multiple fungal diseases affecting onions.
  • Improves Crop Health: Enhances plant vigor and promotes healthy bulb formation.
  • Safe for Environment: Protects your crop without harming the soil or environment.

How to use Katyayani Dr Zole

Mix 300 ml of Katyayani Dr zole with 200 litres of water per acre and apply through spraying.

Tips to Prevent Purple Blotch in onion

  • Good Field Hygiene: Remove plant residues and weeds that can harbour the fungus.
  • Ensure Proper Spacing: Allow airflow between plants to reduce humidity.
  • Avoid Overwatering: Excess moisture promotes fungal growth.
  • Timely Sprays: Use preventive sprays during humid weather or early signs of the disease.

Conclusion: Protect Your Onion Crop

Purple blotch is a significant threat to onion farmers, but it can be managed with early detection and the right solution like Katyayani Dr Zole. By following best practices and acting promptly, you can save your crop, reduce losses, and ensure a productive season. Don't let purple blotch affect your hard work-take action today.

Read more about diseases in Onion Crop:-

Tips for Thrips Management in Onion Crop

Learn about Blight Disease in Onion Crop


Q. What causes purple blotch in onions?

A. Purple blotch is caused by a fungus called Alternaria porri, which thrives in warm and humid conditions.

Q. How do I know if my onion crop has purple blotch?

A. Look for purple spots with yellow halos on leaves and flower stalks. Infected leaves often wither and dry out

Q. How can I control purple blotch in onions?

A. Mix 300 ml of Katyayani Dr. Zole with 200 litres of water per acre and apply through spraying.

Q. What are the ideal conditions for spraying Katyayani Dr. Zole?

A. Spray early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid evaporation and ensure better absorption.

Q. Can purple blotch affect other crops?

A. Yes, the fungus can also infect crops like garlic and leeks under similar conditions.

Best Insecticides, Fungicide for onion crop

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