Manage Damping off Disease in Tomato

Control measures to Manage Damping off Disease in Tomato

Damping-off in tomato seedlings is a fungal disease caused by pathogens like Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and Phytophthora. Learn about the symptoms, causes, and effective control measures to protect your tomato crop from seedling rot and early-stage collapse.

damping off on tomato

What is Damping Off Disease in Tomato?

Damping off disease in tomatoes is a common and destructive problem, especially during the early stages of seedling development. It is caused by various soil-borne fungi, including species of Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and Fusarium. The disease gets its name from the characteristic symptoms of seedlings wilting at the soil level and collapsing, as if they are "damping off" at the base.

Classification Of Damping Off in Tomato

Type of Infestation


Common Name

Damping Off

Scientific Name

Pythium aphanidermatum

Category of Plant Disease

Fungal Disease

Affected parts of plant

Seed, Stem, Root

Damage causing stage of Damping Off in Tomatoes:

  • Pre-Emergence Stage: In the pre-emergence phase the seedlings are killed just before they reach the soil surface. The young radical and the plumule are killed and there is complete rotting of the seedlings.
  • post-emergence: Post-emergence phase is characterized by the infection of the young, juvenile tissues of the collar at the ground level. The infected tissues become soft and water soaked. The seedlings topple over or collapse.

Favorable factors for Damping Off in Tomatoes:

  • High humidity, high soil moisture, cloudiness and low temperatures below 24°C for a few days .
  • Crowded seedlings, dampness due to high rainfall, poor drainage and excess of soil solutes.

Symptoms of Damping Off in Tomatoes:

  • The first symptom of the disease is clearing of the veinlets and chlorosis of the leaves
  • The younger leaves may die in succession and the entire may wilt and die in a course of a few days.
  • In young plants, symptoms consist of clearing of vein let and dropping of petioles.
  • In the field, yellowing of the lower leaves first and affected leaflets wilt and die.

Control measures for Damping Off in Tomato:

The damping off disease in Tomato is effectively controlled by cultural, biological and chemical control methods.

Cultural Control Method of Damping Off in Tomatoes:

  • Use disease free seed.
  • Proper soil-sterilization should be done.
  • Avoid stagnation of water.
  • Make a raised bed upto 15 cm.
  • Biological and Chemical Control Measures Of Damping Off in Tomato:


    Technical Name




    Method of Application

    Bacillus Subtilis


    Early vegetative stage and throughout the growing season

    1.5-2 Liter Per Acre

    Foliar spray


    Metalaxyl 35 % ws

    Chemical Fungicide

    regular intervals (usually 7-14 days) throughout the growing season, starting before disease symptoms appear.

    1.5 g/L of water( For Large Applications 150-300 ml per Acre )

    Seed treatment and Foliar spray

    K ZEB

    Mancozeb 75% WP

    Chemical Fungicide

    Early Growth Stage, Pre-flowering or Budding Stage, Curative Application

    500gm per Acre.

    foliar sprays, seed treatment


    Copper oxychloride 50 % wp

    Chemical Fungicide

    Early Growth Stage, Pre-flowering or Budding Stage, Curative Application


    foliar sprays


    Trichoderma Harzianum

    1% WP


    Before sowing, Early vegetative stage

    2.5 kg with 50 kg Farm Yard Manure and broadcast in one hectare field before sowing.


    FAQS Related to Damping Off disease in Tomato

    Q. What is the cause of Damping Off?

    A. Pythium aphanidertum (Edson) Fitzp is the causal organism of damping off in Tomato, grows in high humidity, high temperature and cloudiness.

    Q. What is the best fungicide for Damping Off in Tomatoes?

    A. The best fungicide for Damping Off in Tomatoes Katyayani Metaxel applied in 1.5 g/L of water ( For Large Applications 150-300 ml per Acre )

    Q. What is the causal agent of damping-off disease in tomatoes?

    A. The causal agent of damping-off disease in tomatoes is Pythium apandidermatum.

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