The lemon butterfly, also known as the citrus butterfly, is a major pest that attacks citrus crops such as lemon, orange, and kinnow. Its larvae can cause serious damage to crops. In this blog, we will explore effective methods to control lemon butterfly larvae that can help farmers protect their crops from this pest.
Lemon Butterfly Life Cycle
The lemon butterfly undergoes a four-stage life cycle:
- Egg: The female butterfly lays small, yellow eggs under the leaves.
- Larva: The eggs hatch into larvae, which gradually grow and feed on the leaves.
- Pupa: The larvae then transition into a pupal stage.
- Adult: The adult butterfly emerges from the pupa and is ready for reproduction.
Damage Caused by Lemon Butterfly Larvae
The larvae feed on the leaves, causing the trees to become weakened. This results in reduced plant growth, poor fruit quality, and lower yields. If left uncontrolled, the infestation can completely destroy the crop.
Symptoms of Lemon Butterfly Larvae Infestation
- Damaged Leaves: Irregular holes and chewed edges on leaves due to larvae feeding.
- Yellowing: Affected leaves turn yellow or wilt as photosynthesis is disrupted.
- Visible Larvae: Small green or brown caterpillars found on the underside of leaves.
- Skeletonized Leaves: Leaves may appear with only veins intact after larvae feed on soft tissue.
Effective Control of Lemon Butterfly Larvae
1. Cultural Control:
The first step in controlling lemon butterfly larvae is regular field inspections. Cut and destroy any affected leaves and branches. Additionally, maintain cleanliness around the field and remove any weeds that could serve as hiding spots for the larvae.
2. Biological Control:
- Use of Natural Predators: Parasitoids like Katyayani Tyson Trichoderma Viride 1% WP - 1-1.5L/Acre
- Biological Insecticides: Katyayani Bhasam Liquid Beauveria Bassiana Bio pesticide - 700ml/acre
3. Chemical Control:
- Chemical Pesticides: Use pesticides such as Katyayani Chloro CS Chlorpyrifos 20% CS (300 - 400 ml/acre).
4. Pheromone Traps:
Pheromone traps can be used to attract and capture adult lemon butterflies. This method helps in monitoring and controlling the population of the pest effectively.
Lemon butterfly larvae are a serious threat to citrus crops, but with the right knowledge and control methods, farmers can manage this pest effectively. By prioritizing biological and cultural control measures, not only can the quality and yield of crops be maintained, but the environment can also be protected. Farmers are advised to regularly monitor their crops and address any issues early on, ensuring their hard work pays off and their income increases.
Q. What is the damage caused by the lemon butterfly?
A. The larvae feed on the surface of leaves, damaging their structure and eating from the margin to the midrib of the leaves.
Q. What is the botanical name of the lemon butterfly?
A. The botanical name of the lemon butterfly is Papilio demoleus.
Q. How to control the lemon butterfly?
A. There are various ways to control the lemon butterfly, but using biological insecticides like Katyayani BT Bio Insecticide is one of the most effective methods.
Written by :- Dheeraj Rajendra Mahajan, Agristudent