Gram Pod Borer in Green Gram

Measures to Control Gram Pod Borer in Green Gram

Measures to Control Gram Pod Borer in Green Gram

The gram pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) is a major pest of green gram and can cause significant yield losses if not controlled. The gram pod borer, also known as the cotton bollworm or corn earworm, is a moth larva that is a major pest of many crops, including chickpeas, cotton, corn, and tomatoes. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world but has been introduced to many other areas, including North America, Europe, and Asia.

Gram Pod Borer in Green Gram

  • Type of Infestation: Pest
  • Common Name: Gram Pod Borer
  • Scientific Name: Helicoverpa armigera
  • Affected Parts Of the plant: Leaves, Flowers, Buds, Pods


  • Adult moths are light brown or yellow with a wingspan of up to 4 cm.
  • Eggs are small, white, and laid singly on leaves, flowers, or pods.
  • Larvae are greenish to brown and can grow up to 5 cm long. They have a characteristic hump on the first segment behind the head.

Environmental Favorable factors for pest/Disease:

  • Temperature: Gram pod borers thrive in warm temperatures, with 25-32°C being the ideal range for their development and activity.
  • Humidity: Moderate humidity levels (50-70%) provide favorable conditions for egg laying, larval survival, and pupation.

Symptoms of Pest:

  • Larvae bore into pods and feed on the developing seeds, causing them to shrivel and die.
  • They can also feed on leaves, flowers, and stems.
  • Infested pods often have small holes and may turn brown and dry.

Measures to control Pests:


Technical Names


Fluben Flubendiamide 39.35 % sc 40-50gm/acre
EMA 5 Emamectin benzoate 5 % SG 80gm/Acre


Novaluron 5.25% + Emamectin benzonate 9 % w/w SC 350 ml/Acre
Spino 45 Spinosad 45 % sc 60-90gm/ac
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