Red Hairy Caterpillar in Groundnut crop

Measures to Control Red Hairy Caterpillar in Groundnut crop

The red hairy caterpillar, also known as Amsacta albistriga, is a moth larva found primarily in southern India. It's considered a major agricultural pest due to its feeding habits. Reddish-brown with a black band on its side and long, reddish-brown hairs all over its body. As a moth, it has white wings with brown streaks and markings.

Red Hairy Caterpillar in Groundnut crop

  •  Hairy Caterpillar Scientific name : Amsacta albistriga
  • Type: Chewing Pest
  • Target: Leaves, Stem and Flowers
  • Damage: Leaf scraping
  • Identification:

    • Reddish brown body with black bands on both ends.
    • Covered in long, reddish brown hairs all over its body
    • Can grow up to 5 cm in length when fully grown

    Environmental favorable factors for pests/Diseases:

    • Temperature: Red hairy caterpillars are most active in warm weather, with optimal temperatures for development ranging from 25-30°C
    • Humidity: Moderate to high humidity levels favor red hairy caterpillar survival and development. Dry conditions can be detrimental to their populations.

    Symptoms of Pest/Disease:

    • Leaf scraping and skeletonization:  In their young stages, the caterpillars feed on the undersides of leaves, leaving behind a thin, papery upper layer. 
    • Extensive defoliation: As the caterpillars mature, their appetite grows. They will begin to consume all parts of the plant, including leaves, stems, flowers, and even developing pods. This can lead to complete defoliation of the plant, leaving only the main stem.

    Measures to control Pests/Diseases:

    Products Technical Names Dosages
    EMA5 Emamectin benzoate 5 % SG 80-100 grams per Acre
    Attack-CS Lambda-Cyhalothrin 4.9 % cs 300-500 ml per Acre
    Docter 505 Chloropyriphos 50 % + cypermethrin 5 % EC 300 ml per acre

    Read More :-  Aphids pests in Groundnut crop

    FAQs for Red Hairy Caterpillars in Groundnut

    Q. How do you control red hairy caterpillars?

    A. Use recommended pesticides like Emamectin Benzoate (80-100g/acre), Lambda-Cyhalothrin (300-500ml/acre), or Chlorpyriphos + Cypermethrin (300ml/acre) for effective control.

    Q. What is the hairy caterpillar's scientific name?

    A. The Red hairy caterpillar scientific name is Amsacta albistriga.

    Q. What are the damage symptoms of hairy caterpillars?

    A. Symptoms include leaf scraping, skeletonization, and complete defoliation. Caterpillars feed on leaves, stems, flowers, and even developing pods.

    Q. What are the symptoms of groundnut hairy caterpillars?

    A. Look for reddish-brown caterpillars with black bands, leaf scraping, skeletonized leaves, and eventual defoliation of plants.

    Q. What is the best pesticide for hairy caterpillars?

    A. Ema 5 Emamectin Benzoate, Lambda-Cyhalothrin, or Chlorpyriphos + Cypermethrin are highly effective against red hairy caterpillars.

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