Collection: Solutions For Papaya Mites

Mites are tiny pests that significantly affect papaya plants, leading to various symptoms, including mottled and yellowing leaves that may curl or drop. This damage can weaken the plant, resulting in stunted growth and reduced fruit development, ultimately affecting yield and quality.

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    100 ML (100 ML x 1)
    Rs227.00 Rs. 340.00

    400 ML (400 ML x 1)
    Rs305.00 Rs. 1,120.00

    900 ML (900 ML x 1)
    Rs545.00 Rs. 2,080.00

    1800 ML (900 ML x 2)
    Rs989.00 Rs. 4,160.00

    4500 ML (900 ML x 5)
    Rs2,379.00 Rs. 10,400.00

    9000 ML (900 ML x 10)
    Rs4,495.00 Rs. 20,800.00

    18000 ML (900 ML x 20)
    Rs8,399.00 Rs. 41,600.00

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    Katyayani Mite Free | Fenpyroximate 5% SC | Chemical Insecticide

    Katyayani Mite Free | Fenpyroximate 5% SC | Chemical Insecticide

    250 ML ( 250 ML x 1 )
    Rs415.00 Rs. 875.00

    500 ML ( 250 ML x 2 )
    Rs759.00 Rs. 1,750.00

    500 ML ( 500 ML x 1 )
    Rs725.00 Rs. 1,580.00

    750 ML ( 250 ML x 3 )
    Rs1,095.00 Rs. 2,625.00

    1 L ( 1 L x 1 )
    Rs1,400.00 Rs. 2,300.00

    3 L ( 1 L x 3 )
    Rs4,185.00 Rs. 6,900.00

    5 L ( 1 L x 5 )
    Rs6,930.00 Rs. 11,500.00

    10 L ( 1 L x 10 )
    Rs13,700.00 Rs. 23,000.00

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    Katyayani K-Mite | Hexythiazox 5.45% EC | Chemical Insecticide

    Katyayani K-Mite | Hexythiazox 5.45% EC | Chemical Insecticide

    250 ML (250 ML x 1)
    Rs498.00 Rs. 1,095.00

    500 ML (250 ML x 2)
    Rs800.00 Rs. 1,760.00

    750 ML (250 ML x 3)
    Rs1,146.00 Rs. 2,521.00

    1 L (1 L x 1)
    Rs1,550.00 Rs. 3,410.00

    1250 ML (250 ML x 5)
    Rs1,850.00 Rs. 4,070.00

    3 L (1 L x 3)
    Rs4,530.00 Rs. 9,966.00

    5 L (1 L x 5)
    Rs7,400.00 Rs. 16,280.00

    10 L ( 1 L x 10 )
    Rs14,000.00 Rs. 22,360.00