Do you know there is a crop that always sells at high prices in the market and requires less effort to cultivate? Yes, we are talking about Bhindi (Okra) Cultivation. This crop gives high profits at low cost and can help you earn a good income within a few months. In this blog, we will provide you with complete information about bhindi farming.

Field Preparation
- It is mandatory to apply organic manure in the field.
- Apply 2 trolleys of cow dung manure or vermicompost per acre.
- Plough the soil thoroughly and make it level.
Okra Seed Sowing
- You need 2.5-3 kg seeds per acre for sowing.
- Sow the okra seeds on ridges or beds.
- Keep the distance between one ridge and another 1 foot.
- After sowing, do light irrigation as excess water may rot the seeds.
Fertilizer & Nutrient Management for Okra Plant
- Apply 15-20 kg DAP and 2 kg Humic Acid per acre as a basal dose.
- At 25-30 days of crop, apply Magnesium Sulphate 10 kg, Urea 15 kg, and MOP 5 kg per acre.
- At 50 days of crop, spray NPK 12:61:00 (750 g per acre), Calcium Nitrate (450 g per acre), and Boron (200 g per acre).
Pest & Disease Management
- Protect the okra plant from whiteflies, caterpillars, and other insects.
- Use Katyayani K-Acepro (Acetamiprid 20% SP) - 80 g per acre for whitefly control.
- For caterpillar control, spray Katyayani Propcyp (Profénofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4%) - 300 ml per acre.
- To control fungal diseases, apply Katyayani Samartha (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP) - 350-400 g per acre or Katyayani Propi (Propineb 70% WP) - 400 g per acre.
Irrigation Management
- Give light irrigation immediately after sowing.
- In summer, irrigate the crop twice a week.
- Avoid water stagnation in the field.
Harvesting & Yield
- The first harvesting starts 60-70 days after sowing.
- With proper care, you can get 60-70 quintals per acre yield.
Cost and Profit
- The cost of early bhindi cultivation is around ₹20,000-25,000 per acre.
- Depending on the market rate, bhindi sells between ₹10-50 per kg.
- By selling the crop at the right time, you can earn a profit of ₹1.5-2.5 lakh per acre.
If you adopt early bhindi cultivation with proper techniques, you can earn excellent profits in a short period. Proper field preparation, fertilizer management, and pest control can significantly increase both the yield and quality of your crop.
Q1: What is the right method for sowing bhindi seeds?
Answer: Bhindi seeds should be sown on ridges or beds. The distance between ridges should be 1 foot and between plants 6 inches. Use 2.5-3 kg seeds per acre.
Q2: What nutrients should be given to bhindi crops in the early stages?
Answer: When the plants are 15-20 days old, spray seaweed extract and mixed micronutrients. This helps in fast growth and early okra flowering.
Q3: When is the first harvesting of okra (bhindi) done?
Answer: The first harvesting starts 60-70 days after sowing, and the crop gives production for about 3-4 months.
Q4: How can I protect bhindi crops from whiteflies?
Answer: To control whiteflies, spray Katyayani K-Acepro (Acetamiprid 20% SP) - 80 g per acre at regular intervals.