Ridge Gourd Farming: Earn up to 2.5 Lakh Profit – Complete Guide

Ridge Gourd Farming: Earn up to 2.5 Lakh Profit – Complete Guide

Are you looking for a crop that can generate up to ₹2.5 lakh profit in just 120 days? Yes! We are talking about Ridge Gourd Farming. Ridge Gourd is highly demanded in both the Indian market and the export market. Let's learn how you can maximize profits through Ridge Gourd cultivation.

Ridge Gourd

Sowing Time

Ridge Gourd can be cultivated three times a year:

  • Summer Season (February-March)
  • Kharif Season (June-July)
  • Rabi Season (October-November)

Soil Selection

Choose soil with good water-holding capacity and proper drainage systems. The field should not have waterlogging issues.

Field Preparation

  • Plough the field three times.
  • Apply 10 tons of cow dung manure or 1 ton of vermicompost per acre.
  • Use Katyayani Azospirillum Bacteria (1.5-2 Litres/Acre) and Katyayani Soluphos (Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria) - 2 Litres/Acre.

Seed Quantity

  • Required Seed: 500-700 grams per acre
  • Seeds can be sown directly or prepared in a nursery for 20-30 days before transplanting.

Irrigation & Mulching

  • Use Drip Irrigation and Mulching for better crop yield.
  • If drip irrigation is not available, ensure the field does not have standing water during watering.

Nutrient Management





25 kg

First Irrigation


25 kg

After 30 Days


25 kg

After 60 Days

Flowering & Fruiting Solutions

  • For Plant Growth: Spray Seaweed Extract (300 ml/Acre) or NPK 19:19:19 (750 gm/Acre).

  • To Increase Female Flowers: Use Alpha Naphthyl Acetic Acid (NAA) 45 ml/Acre.
  • To Prevent Flower Drop: Spray Katyayani Bloom Booster (100 ml/Acre) or Katyayani Nutritious (250-300 ml/Acre).

Pest & Disease Management

Major Pests

Thrips & Whitefly:

  • Katyayani IMD 178 (Imidacloprid 17.8% SL) - 80-100 ml/Acre

Fruit Fly:

  • Katyayani Mal 50 (Malathion 50% EC) - 250-300 ml/Acre + Jaggery Solution Spray

Major Diseases

  • Powdery Mildew: Katyayani Hexa 5 Plus (Hexaconazole 5% SC) - 150-200 ml/Acre
  • Downy Mildew: Katyayani Dr. Zole (Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC) - 250 ml/Acre
Ridge Gourd Farming:
  • Leaf Spot: Katyayani COC 50 (Copper Oxychloride 50% WP) - 350 gm/Acre

Yield & Profit

  • Yield: 100-125 Quintals per Acre
  • Market Price (Wholesale): ₹20-₹30 per kg
  • Export Price: ₹80-₹150 per kg
  • Total Profit: Up to ₹2,50,000


Ridge Gourd Farming is a low-cost, high-profit crop. By using modern techniques and proper crop care, you can earn lakhs of rupees in a short time. If you want to know more about selling and exporting this crop, stay tuned for our next blog.


Q1: What are the common pests in Ridge Gourd Farming?

A: The major pests include Thrips, Whitefly, and Fruit Fly.

Q2: What is the average yield per acre of Ridge Gourd?

A: The average yield is 100-125 quintals per acre.

Q3: Which fertilizer is best for Ridge Gourd Farming?

A: Cow dung manure, Vermicompost, and Organic Fertilizers are the best options.

Q4: How can flower drop in Ridge Gourd crops be prevented?

A: Use Katyayani Bloom Booster and Nutritious Spray to prevent flower drop.

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