Banana is a vital crop, but banana pests and banana diseases can severely impact banana production. From destructive insects to fungal infections, these threats can reduce yield and quality. Proper banana pest and disease management ensures healthier crops and better productivity. In this guide, we will discuss major banana plant diseases and pests treatment methods to protect your farm.
List of Banana Diseases & Pests
Pest Management in Banana
1. Thrips in Banana
Thrips are tiny insects that suck plant sap, leading to scarring and reduced fruit quality. They thrive in warm, humid conditions and are a major threat to banana crops.

Symptoms and Damage
- Early Signs: Small, water-soaked spots on fruit due to thrips feeding.
- Discoloration: Rusty-red or dark brown rough, scabby patches.
- Severe Cases: Fruit skin may crack or split.
- Market Impact: External damage lowers appeal, causing market rejection.
Control Measures
- Use Katyayani Imd-178 Imidacloprid 17.8% SL, an effective insecticide for banana plants recommended for thrips
- Maintain field hygiene and remove affected plant parts
2. Cutworm in Banana
Cutworms are the larvae of various moth species that cut the stems of young banana plants at the soil surface, leading to plant wilting, damage, and even death

Symptoms and Damage
- Wilting and death of seedlings
- Stems cut off at the base
- Holes in leaves
- Presence of cutworms in the soil
Control Measures
- Use Katyayani Fluben (Flubendiamide 39.35% SC) for controlling banana tree pests
- Avoid excessive mulch, which provides a hiding place
3. Aphids in Banana
Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that feed on plant sap and spread viral diseases, including banana yellow leaf disease.

Symptoms and Damage
- Distorted Leaves: Aphids suck sap, causing curling, crinkling, or stunted growth.
- Yellowing Leaves: Leaves turn pale green or yellow due to sap loss.
- Sticky Honeydew: Aphids excrete a sugary substance, attracting ants.
- Sooty Mold: Black fungus grows on honeydew, blocking sunlight.
Control Measures
- Spray Katyayani Nashak (Fipronil 40 % + Imidacloprid 40 % wg) or neem-based solutions
- Remove weeds that host aphids
Disease Management in Banana
1. Panama Wilt Disease
Panama Wilt is a deadly fungal disease in bananas caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, leading to wilting and plant death. It spreads through soil and water, making prevention crucial.

Symptoms and Damage
- Leaf Yellowing & Wilting - Starts from older leaves and spreads to younger ones.
- Uneven Wilting - Some leaves wilt more than others.
- Brittle Leaves - Leaves become dry and snap easily.
- Pseudostem Splitting - The stalk may crack open.
- Plant Death - Disease eventually kills the entire plant
Control Measures
- Use resistant varieties to prevent banana plant disease
- Improve drainage to reduce fungal spread
- Apply Katyayani Pseudomonas fluorescence, a bio-fungicide
2. Sigatoka Leaf Spot Disease
This banana sigatoka disease is a fungal infection that affects banana leaves, reducing photosynthesis and overall yield.

Symptoms and Damage
- Black Sigatoka: Reddish-brown flecks turn into dark streaks, causing leaf die-off.
- Yellow Sigatoka: Yellow streaks near leaf edges expand, leading to defoliation.
Control Measures
- Remove and destroy infected leaves
- Spray Katyayani Boost ( Propiconazole 25% EC ) to prevent fungal spread
- Improve field ventilation
3. Anthracnose Disease
Anthracnose is a banana major disease that affects both leaves and fruits, causing severe economic losses for farmers.

Symptoms and Damage
- Dark, sunken lesions on leaves, stems, fruits, or flowers
- Blight of leaves and shoots
- Dieback of twigs and branches
- Premature defoliation
- Stunted growth, Reduced fruit yield
Control Measures
- Apply Katyayani Samartha (Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP), a powerful fungicide
- Ensure proper air circulation in plantations
- Harvest fruits at the correct maturity stage
4. Yellow Leaf Disease
This viral disease weakens plants and significantly reduces productivity, making it a serious concern for banana farmers.

Symptoms and Damage
- Yellowing of leaves from edges inward
- Reduced growth and fruit production
Control Measures
- Use virus-free planting materials, like NPK 19:19:19 Fertilizer
- Remove and destroy infected plants
Managing banana pests and diseases is essential for maximizing banana production. By implementing proper control strategies, including the use of insecticide for banana plants, removing infected plant parts, and maintaining field hygiene, farmers can protect their crops. Regular monitoring and early intervention are key to ensuring a healthy and profitable banana harvest.