Measures to control Fruit Fly in Mango

Measures to control Fruit Fly in Mango

Fruit flies, primarily the Oriental fruit fly, are attracted to ripening mangoes. Their sweet aroma and softer skin become an irresistible invitation for egg-laying. Adult female flies use their sharp ovipositor (egg-laying tool) to puncture the mango skin. They deposit eggs just beneath the surface, injecting a small amount of bacteria to break down the fruit flesh for their hatching larvae to feed on. Eggs hatch within days, releasing tiny maggots that burrow deeper into the mango flesh. These maggots have sharp mouthparts and voraciously feed on the fruit's pulp, creating tunnels and cavities within. Their feeding activity causes internal rot, discoloration, and softening, making the mango inedible and prone to secondary infections.

   fruit fly in mango

  • Common Name: Fruit Fly
  • Scientific Name: Ceratitis cosyra
  • Attacking stage of Pest: Second and third instar larval stages that feed on the leaves and suck sap and Adults that suck juices and transmit the virus. 
  • Major affected states: Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka
  • Affected parts of plant: Leaves

    Damage Causing stage:

    Fruit flies don't attack mangoes in a single specific stage, but rather throughout the ripening process and even afterward. They target mangoes that are starting to soften and sweeten, making them prime real estate for laying their eggs.

    Favorable factors for fruit fly:

    Mango-licious Attributes:

    • Sweetness and aroma: Ripe mangoes, with their juicy sweetness and enticing aroma, act as powerful attractants for adult flies seeking egg-laying sites.
    • Softening skin: As the fruit matures, its skin softens, making it easier for the female fly to pierce and deposit her eggs beneath the surface.
    • High moisture content: The moist flesh of mangoes provides an ideal environment for egg development and maggot growth.

    Environmental Boon:

    • Warm temperatures: Tropical and subtropical climates provide optimal conditions for fruit fly reproduction and activity.
    • High humidity: Humid environments favor egg survival and maggot development, contributing to faster population growth.
    • Lack of natural predators: In some regions, the absence of natural predators like wasps that target fruit fly larvae can lead to unchecked population booms.

    Initial Symptoms:

    • Tiny brownish dimples or sunken patches on the fruit.
    • Slight softening at the puncture points.
    • Presence of sticky sap or oozing liquid around the dimples.
    • Faint, unpleasant odor emanating from the fruit.

    Severe Symptoms:

    • Large, sunken brown patches or even open wounds.
    • Significant softening and wrinkling of the fruit.
    • Presence of maggots inside the fruit.

    Control measures for Fruit fly in Mango:


    Technical name



    Lambda-Cyhalothrin 4.9 % cs

    300-500 ml per Acre

    MAL 50

    Malathion 50 % EC

    Use 250-300 ml per Acre


    Cypermethrin 25% EC

    200 ml to 300 ml in water accordingly to cover an area of an Acre

    Activated Neem Oil

    400 to 600 ml / acre 

    Katyayani Fruit Fly Lure

    FRUIT FLY LURE pheromone lures and traps is to monitor and control fruit fly pest population

    FAQs: Measures to Control Fruit Fly in Mango

    Q. What is a fruit fly?

    A. A fruit fly is a small but destructive pest that targets mangoes by laying eggs inside the fruit. This leads to damage, fruit decay, and reduced market value for farmers.

    Q. What are the Symptoms of Fruit Fly in Mango?

    A. Mango fruit flies make small holes in the fruit to lay eggs. These holes cause rotting, maggots inside the fruit, and early fruit drop, reducing the harvest.

    Q. What is the mango fly treatment?

    A. Control mango fruit flies with Attack CS Lambda-Cyhalothrin 4.9% CS or Malathion 50% EC (MAL 50). These insecticides effectively protect fruits and reduce pests when applied timely.

    Q. What is the scientific name of mango fruit fly?

    A. The scientific name of the mango fruit fly is Bactrocera dorsalis.

    Q. What is the life cycle of a mango fruit fly?

    A. The mango fruit fly life cycle includes egg, larva (maggot), pupa, and adult. Eggs hatch in mangoes, larvae feed inside, pupate in soil, and adults emerge to repeat the cycle.

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