Sheath blight is a pervasive and damaging disease in rice cultivation, known for its ability to severely affect paddy crops. In this blog, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and management strategies for sheath blight, providing crucial insights to help you protect and maintain the health of your rice fields.
What is Sheath Blight in Paddy Crop
Sheath Blight, caused by the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani, is a major disease affecting rice crops worldwide, leading to significant yield losses and reduced grain quality. This disease primarily targets the leaf sheaths and blades, hindering the plant's ability to photosynthesize and produce healthy grains. If the disease is caught early and managed effectively, yield losses can be minimized, potentially as low as 5-10%.With moderate disease progression, yield losses can range from 20-30%. In severe cases where the disease spreads unchecked, yield losses can be devastating, reaching 50% or even higher.
Overview of Sheath Blight in Paddy crop
Type of Infestation |
Disease |
Common Name |
Sheath Blight |
Causal Organism |
Rhizoctonia solani |
Affected parts of the plant |
Leaf sheath and leaf blade |
What are the favourable factors for Sheath blight in paddy crop ?:
- Warm and humid conditions (25-30°C, high humidity)
- Prolonged leaf wetness
- Susceptible rice varieties
- Imbalanced fertilization (excessive nitrogen)
- Presence of infected plant debris or sclerotia in the soil
Symptoms of Sheath Blight in Paddy:
- Initial Symptoms: Oval or elliptical, greenish-grey water-soaked spots appear on leaf sheaths near the water level.
- Progression: Spots enlarge, turning greyish-white with an irregular brown or purple border. Lesions may merge, covering entire tillers from the waterline to the flag leaf.
- Severe cases: Infected leaves die, and the disease can reach the panicle, preventing grain filling and sticking panicles together.
Measures to control Sheath Blight in Paddy:
Cultural methods of control for Sheath Blight in Paddy:
- Avoid flow of irrigation water from infected fields to healthy fields
- Deep ploughing in summer and burning of stubbles
Chemical Control of Sheath Blight in Paddy:
Spray the folloowing fungicides for the control of sheath blight in paddy crop:
Products |
Technical Names |
Dosages |
Metalaxyl-M 3.3% + Chlorothalonil 33.1% SC |
300-400ml/acre |
Hexaconazole 5 % SC |
500ml/acre |
Propiconazole 25 % EC |
200-300ml/acre |
Difenconazole 25 % EC |
120-150ml/Acre |
FAQs related to Sheath Blight in Paddy crop
Q. What is sheath blight of rice ?
A. Sheath blight is a fungal disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani.
Q. Which Fungicide is best for Sheath Blight in Paddy ?
A. Fungicides like Hexaconazole(Katyayani Hexa5 PLUS), Propiconazole(Katyayani BOOST) and Difenconazole 25% EC (Katyayani CONCOR) are some of the best fungicide for the management of Sheath Blight in Paddy.
Q. What are the symptoms of Sheath Blight in Paddy crop?
A. Oval or elliptical, greenish-grey water-soaked spots appear on leaf sheaths near the water level.