Tea Mosquito Bug in Guava Crop

Measures to Control Tea Mosquito Bug in Guava Crop

The tea mosquito bug, also known as the Helopeltis theivora, is a small, sap-sucking insect that is a major pest of tea, cashew, and other crops. It is native to Asia and Africa, but has been introduced to other parts of the world, including the Americas. The adult tea mosquito bug is about 6-8 mm long and has a black body with red markings on the thorax and abdomen. The nymphs are smaller and greenish-yellow in color. Both adults and nymphs feed on the sap of young leaves, shoots, and fruits, which can cause them to curl, wilt, and die. The tea mosquito bug is a difficult pest to control because it is small and active deet mosquito repellent and it can hide in the folds of leaves.

Tea Mosquito Bug in Guava Crop

  • Type of Infestation: Pest
  • Common Name: Tea Mosquito Bug
  • Causal Organism: Helopeltis antonii 
  • Affected Parts Of the plant: Leaves, Shoot, Fruit



  • Smaller than adults, typically measuring around 2-5 mm in length.
  • Light brownish to brown in color, depending on the species.
  • Lack wings.


  • Slender and elongate, measuring about 6-8 mm in length.
  • Coloration varies depending on the species, but they are typically:
    • Helopeltis antonii: Reddish-brown with a black head, red thorax, and black and white abdomen.
    • Helopeltis bradyi: Similar to H. antonii, but with a white band at the base of the hind legs.
    • Helopeltis theivora: Brownish-yellow pronotum and green abdomen.

Environmental favorable factors for pests/Diseases:

  • Temperature: Prefers warm temperatures between 25-35°C (77-95°F). Cold temperatures slow down their development and activity.
  • Humidity: Prefers moderate humidity levels between 60-80%. This helps them conserve water and maintain their active lifestyle.

 Symptoms of Pest/Disease:

  • Water-soaked lesions on leaves, shoots, and fruits
  • Black, scabby lesions that develop from the initial water-soaked areas
  • Gummy exudation from the feeding sites
  • Drying and withering of shoots and flowers
  • Deformed and stunted fruits
  • Fruit drop

Measures to control Pests/Diseases:

Products Technical Names Dosages
Nashak Fipronil 40 % + Imidacloprid 40 % wg 100-120 gm per acre
Sarvashakti 200-400 ml/200 liters of water.
Chakrawarti Thiamethoxam 12.6 % lambda cyhalothrin 9.5 % zc 80 ml per acre
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