Onion Twister Disease: Symptoms, Causes & Best Treatments

Onion Twister Disease: Symptoms, Causes & Best Treatments

Onion Twister Disease is a viral disease that primarily spreads through sap-sucking insects, especially thrips. This disease distorts the onion plant's leaves and significantly reduces yield. Effective management is essential to prevent major crop losses.

Onion Twister Disease

Symptoms of Onion Twister Disease of Onion

  • Twisted and curled leaves: Leaves become abnormally twisted, resembling a spiral (like a jalebi).
  • Yellow and deformed leaves: Infected leaves turn yellow, become thin, and stop growing.
  • Knotted growth: Onion leaves may develop abnormal, thickened knots.
  • Weak and small bulbs: Infected plants produce smaller and lighter bulbs.
  • Uneven plant growth: Affected plants show uneven growth in the field.
  • Reduced yield: The disease can cause a 30-50% decline in onion yield.

Causes of Twister Disease of Onion

  • This disease primarily spreads through thrips.
  • Excess weeds in the field provide hiding places for insects, increasing disease transmission.

Onion Twister Disease Treatment

1. Cultural Control

  • Use healthy seeds: Always choose certified, disease-free seeds.
  • Crop rotation: Avoid growing onions in the same field continuously.
  • Weed management: Remove weeds and unwanted plants from the field to reduce thrips infestation.

2. Biological Control

  • Neem oil spray: Mix 5 ml neem oil per liter of water and spray every 7-10 days.

3. Chemical Control

For Thrips Management, apply:

Katyayani IMD 178Katyayani Meta - Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP


To protect onion crops from Onion Twister Disease, controlling thrips and aphids is essential. Implementing proper field management, biological solutions, and effective insecticides can prevent the spread of this disease and ensure a healthy yield.


Q1: Which medicine is used for Onion Twister Disease?

  • Thrips Control: Imidacloprid 17.8% SL (60-90 ml/acre), Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG (50 gm/acre)
  • Disease Control: Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP (400 gm/acre), Copper Oxychloride 50% WP (350 gm/acre)

Q2: Why does Onion Twister Disease occur?

A. This disease spreads through thrips and aphids. Infected seeds, excess moisture, and weeds promote its growth.

Q3: Which pesticide should be sprayed on onions?

  • Insecticide: Imidacloprid 17.8% SL, Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG
  • Fungal Control: Metalaxyl + Mancozeb, Copper Oxychloride
  • Organic Solution: Neem oil (5ml/L water)

Q4: What is Onion Twister Disease?

A. It is a viral disease that causes twisted, yellow, and weak leaves in onions, reducing yield by 30-50%.

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