Thrips in Jeera/Cumin? 10 Best Tips to Keep Your Cumin Safe

Methods to control Thrips in Cumin Plant

Thrips are one of the most destructive pests affecting cumin (jeera) crops. These tiny insects sucking on the plant's sap, causing stunted growth, leaf curling, and reduced seed yield. Causing damage to leaves, flowers, and fruits.

Thrips in Cumin Plant


  • Type: Pest
  • Common Name: Thrips
  • Major affected states: Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka

Damage Caused by Thrips:

  • Yield Loss: Thrips reduce photosynthesis by damaging leaves and flowers.
  • Plant Stress: Continuous sap sucking weakens plants, making them more vulnerable to diseases.
  • Disease Transmission: Thrips can transmit viral infections, exacerbating crop losses.

Symptoms of Thrip Infestation

  • Silvery Patches: Feeding by thrips leaves silvery, shiny patches on leaves and stems.
  • Leaf Curling: Affected leaves curl and show deformed growth.
  • Stunted Growth: Infested plants exhibit poor growth and reduced vigor.
  • Flower and Seed Damage: Thrips damage flowers, affecting seed development and yield.

Control measures for Thrips in Cumin Plant:

Product Technical Name Dosage
Nashak Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG 50-60 gm/Acre
Chakrawarti Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC 80-100 ml/Acre
Fantasy Plus Fipronil 4% + Acetamiprid 4% W/W SC 250 ml/Acre
Ashwamedh Plus Diafenthiuron 40.1% + Acetamiprid 3.9% WP 200-250 gm/Acre
Joker Fipronil 80% WG 20-25 gm/Acre

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are thrips, and how do they affect cumin plants?

A. Thrips are tiny pests that suck sap from cumin plants, causing leaf curling, stunted growth, and reduced yield. They also damage flowers and transmit viral diseases.

Q. What are the major symptoms of thrip infestation in cumin plants?

  • Silvery patches on leaves and stems.
  • Leaf curling and deformed growth.
  • Stunted plant growth.
  • Flower and seed damage.

Q. How do thrips damage cumin plants?

A. Thrips reduce photosynthesis by damaging leaves and flowers, weaken plants by continuous sap sucking, and transmit viral diseases that worsen crop losses.

Q. In which states are cumin crops most affected by thrips?

A. Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Karnataka.

Q. What preventive measures can farmers take to reduce thrips infestation?

  • Avoid overcrowded planting to improve airflow.
  • Regularly monitor fields for early pest detection.
  • Use resistant cumin varieties if available.


For more information about pests and diseases, read our other blogs.

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